We'll there are preventative measure that people can take. Think of it as a car. You wouldn't blame someone if they got hit in a car accident. You wouldn't say "if you didn't want to get in an accident you shouldn't have driven" They knew the risk when they drove but it still isn't their fault. Same can be said about sex. People know the risk and they take preventative measures, accidental births still happen. I wouldn't consider it dumb or a fault. It's apparent that you're a virgin because only a virgin would say something like that. Once you have sex u can guarantee that your opinion will change.
Did I say sex was a bad thing? You don't go in there knowing 100% for sure you won't get pregnant. If you get pregnant you shouldn't just kill the baby... Give it at least a chance in life, give it up for adoption if you don't want it but good grief don't kill it...
I honestly don't have an opinion on abortion. I can see both sides of the argument. Killing the child is understandable. So is not killing it.