Wow a -blam!-ing sellout BUNGIE slave craving attention, -blam!- off KD don't mean shit kid, these forums don't belong to you
Someone get his ass spanked in crucible ??
No actually not, I don't camp like this retarded -blam!-
Forgot your meds this morning eh?
Negative Crucible scrub complaining, shocking.
Lmao your so -blam!-ing butthurt
Lol finally built up the courage to say something, huh? Good on you, kid.
Who? [spoiler]WHAT THE -blam!- DID I JUST READ[/spoiler]
unsurprising you'd say that, considering how negative your K/D is.
Sorry I don't camp, I play the objective and don't bum rush zone b like all you fags, you retarded abortions think KD is the be all end all
Why are you so angry? Life is good, this bar I know in leeds is selling bottles of fine ale for %50 off because its out of date!
Why are you so mad?
There is always that guy and you are him.
wtf did I just read?
No you -blam!-, please use your brain wherever the -blam!- it is
Dude you're looking a little green there.
Wow learn to read jackass