What makes you so good? Just wondering because I looked at your history and I see just an average score like 14 or 15 kills with a 3 k/d but then I see 29 kills with a 29 k/d lol don't get me wrong your Def good and a hell of a sniper but damn those stats are jacked up
He's consistent, he does good sometimes but he never really does bad. I'll get 15 and 3k/d every once in a while, but not every game like this gent
15 kills with a 3 k!d is really good, maybe you should emulate to raise your own.
Look at his Precision Rate with a sniper lol...
Is it bad or good I haven't ever looked
57.8% All I'm gonna say is, it could be better, like, way better.
Where the hell is that stat on tracker? I can only find total kills with each weapon type. Really need to sit down and look at that site sometime.
Haha, slide to the right on the total weapon kills.
Hahaha oh yeh. Damn phone looked like that's all there was. Cheers.