Sweet, does being number 70 help you pick up chicks or make your pole bigger?
Someone is salty...
I made a joke first and people get so serious ha
Does being a bad player make you jealous?
Lol not in the least my friend, I have a real job to go to everyday that I love and make good money at. Life is more than video games.
What does having a job have to do with being good at a game. He's just good at it. You making that excuse makes you look like a bad, salty player.
Why do guys bring up 'I have a life, job, bla bla.. etc' Do you really feel anyone who is good at gaming will suck in aspects of life that are regular. Most of us here on Destiny have a life and a job, some of which pay really well than others. And we do gaming because in the 'other' side of life we get to carry out job duties responsibly, apply perfect communication without having to try, make small talk with strangers or co workers in the break room - all the while understanding that 'non gamer' folks have their first world issues and so on too. People are 'normal' in their normal hours, but some are beastly unto others when connected in a world of multiplayer interaction. Making statements like 'I have a job.. ' just makes it easier to appear salty to those who can read between the lines and see what's really going on.
So why are u even commenting on a dude who is good at the game and posts something on an app completely dedicated to one game. If u have any sort of life u wouldn't even be on this shit.
I have a son, go to university, work, and have a hotter girlfriend thatn 99% of the population. I also happen to be good at destiny. Don't be an asshole to people you don't know. Feel free to google my instagram :)
There will always be people that are jealous for no good reason. Your video was awesome my friend. Who cares about editing with such skill. It probably would be sick as hell but its still great. Keep it up.
You know it does