Should there be a fourth subclass allowing you to choose any supers or perks from all subclasses in the class? Eg. Hunter
(Obviously elemental perks and supers would have to match. Eg: Golden gun - Solar Perks.) This would allow us to swap around certain grenades, jumps, etc...
Post your thoughts.
Edit: Over 40 Replies already! I see that most of you are saying no and I understand that perfectly. In fact im on your side. My opinion is that unless restricted too a few it would be utterly op. Keep posting in replies and opinions.
[spoiler]Why did the vex cross the road? To get to the other side 50 years ago![/spoiler]
[spoiler]Because vex can travel through time! Get it? Get it?!?
[spoiler]I know. Terrible right?[/spoiler]
No. If you haven't noticed 3 (and multiples of it) is the magic number in Destiny. 3 races 3 classes 3 subclasses Fire teams of 3 and 6 9 inventory slots for weapons and armour 3 waves of enemies per locked door ghost is trying to open Triple jump for gunslinger Hunter 3 times on average per day you get booted to orbit with animal errors 3 scrubs per every LFG Fireteam assembled 6 patrol mission bounty 6 limbs on fallen 6" cocks on Minatours Etc. etc.