I know it stands for "Damage Per Second" but when I read it in a sentence it makes no sense to me.
Like if you're giving someone directions to drive somewhere: "You just go down the road on the left and then you Miles Per Hour until you get there." It makes no sense to me.
Can anyone shed some light on what people mean when they say "DPS" as a verb?
Also, to me, it further makes no sense because all damage can be measure by a time interval.
It's a colloquial redundancy. It's like saying "hey I need to stop by an ATM machine" or "Please enter your PIN number." However, it does serve to make an important distinction from just saying "damage." Saying "ok boss shield is down, damage the boss" isn't as specific as "DPS the boss". If I just hit the boss once with my scout rifle, then sure, I damaged the boss. Job well done! But "DPS" implies dealing the maximum sustained damage possible over a period of time.