The way i look at it, xbox one is the family system. Parents realize now that xbox is popular because they're always five years behind the trends, so they bought their little brat an xbox one. Gaming console for them, netflix machine for mommy and daddy. More children =
more uneducated nonsense being posted.
There's an app for destiny on your phone. Who has their phone stuck to their hands 24/7? Children. Illuminati confirmed.
[quote]The way i look at it, xbox one is the family system. Parents realize now that xbox is popular because they're always five years behind the trends, so they bought their little brat an xbox one. Gaming console for them, netflix machine for mommy and daddy. More children = more uneducated nonsense being posted. There's an app for destiny on your phone. Who has their phone stuck to their hands 24/7? Children. Illuminati confirmed.[/quote] Pshh, MIcrosoft WISHED it was the family system you're speaking of. Unfortunately that didn't work out for them. Why do you think they were forced to cut out the Kinect? It wasn't because the little kiddies were rioting in the streets...
Probably forced to cut kinect because it was creepy. They said it always had to be on and that weirded me out enough to switch to ps4 (Plus 1080p)
Edited by Black the Sun: 7/10/2015 3:58:06 PM[quote]Probably forced to cut kinect because it was creepy. They said it always had to be on and that weirded me out enough to switch to ps4 (Plus 1080p)[/quote] ? It doesn't always have to be on though (as in plugged in). It was planned to be, but was never a thing in the end. Also, PS has it's one motion sensor camera as well, so it doesn't really work to say that. The only difference between the two is that PS didn't cram it down our throats. [spoiler]The more you know! :rainbow swoosh:[/spoiler]
What horrible logic. By your logic you could say that all the people who bought a PS4 when it first came out were parents buying it for their children since it was the cheaper console/only console at the time and parents always buy the cheaper console for their child since it's less money for them to spend.