Hey everyone, I really appreciate all of the feedback! It was great to hear a lot of real opinions, suggestions, and information about both systems. It was a lot of reading last night / this morning to catch up on everything, but I feel WAY more informed than before.
I made this post to get some information to help me make a good decision on a new console and I think with all of your help it did. Didn't make this to troll/start a huge debate on here, but I guess it comes with the territory on a forum where people are passionate about their gaming systems.
[b]I made a random decision yesterday and pre-ordered the TTK PS4. I have enough store credit from previous trade ins at GameStop to make it affordable. Also will be trading in my 360 for an additional $100 off. So it looks like I will be starting from scratch, but I have enough friends on the PS+ network to make it fun.[/b]
Again, I really appreciate all of the feedback/suggestions/opinions from you guys. It was a great read and I think I learned all I needed to make the right decision for myself.
Also, thanks for all of the congratulations on me becoming a dad. Although I am still about 6 months out from having that new little one in my arms, I couldn't be more excited about it.
Thanks again, guardians.
I've had a Xbox 360 for a few years now and most of my friends either have a Xbox One or a PS4 (it's about a 50/50 split). I recently found out that I am going to be a dad (due late January 2016) and because of this and all of the future late nights that come with that in my future, I got permission from the wife to upgrade, so help me figure out what to get.
Since I am already a Microsoft user, obviously going with the Xbox One seems like the easiest one to upgrade to, but I'm open to suggestions.
For the Xbox, I am already familiar with the Xbox Live stuff and I'm already paying the yearly online fee, no need to cancel service etc.
If I upgrade to the Xbox One, do I need to start over with new characters or would my character carry over?
Is the Xbox One backwards compatible with my current 360 games (Destiny, Halo Series, GTA5) or do I have to buy new games no matter what?
Any other benefits to sticking with Microsoft?
As for the PS4, I don't have too much knowledge about this system. I've heard it's got better graphics, but I've also heard the online servers are unreliable leaving you unable to play often? Is it worth it? What other reasons make it worth switching?
You should get a game boy SP colour to play it on :p
Go with what you know unless there's something you want more on ps4
Ps4 because the exclusives
High Kicks dont let destiny forums make you decide your next console
Xbox one. You get a PS4 and you'll be starting from scratch
Everything is becoming ps exclusive why the hell would you want x1
Commodore 64.
I'd suggest PS4 as I feel it's overall better, but that's only if you don't mind losing progression and potentially having to start over from scratch. Which with the ttk and all current gear becoming obsolete, it might not be as bad as you would think.
I have both the Xbox One and PS4. It's tough to say man. I'm mostly on the Xbox One because I find myself playing more games on there. But sometimes the X1 frustrates me from time to time. If you play Destiny on the Xbox 360, all your stuff will carry over to the xbox one. Not sure about the ps4 tho.
It's simple you don't feel like restarting stick to the one, you keep your progress, stable servers, and most of your friends probably would want to play with you on the one
If you carry your Xbox 360 Xbox live account over to Xbox One then you keep all your stuff
If you have a lot of Destiny progress on your x360, then move to the x1, especially if Destiny is your game of choice. If it's not that important to you, maybe look into the console exclusives and decide on that. Good luck :)
I'm still stuck with the 360. All my friends upgraded to the one and I'm stuck driving around in gta v lonely with no one to have a good laugh with. Messing around and doing the stupidest things in gta was the most fun I've ever had on a game but then everyone converted. Although they have their Xbox ones I do have a 1973 Volkswagen Super Beetle ;) that's where all my money is going right now.
I'm in the same boat as you, I'm going to buy an Xbox one and buy ttk legendary edition with it. I will sign it with the same gt so I keep my progress!
Xbox One is planning on becoming backwards compatible with Xbox 360 games, currently only few games are playable (Banjo Kazooie/Perfect Dark/Mass Effect 1 are a few).. Halo MCC is already on Xbox One and Halo Reach will be added to the backwards compatible soon.. Destiny on Xbox One will allow you to transfer over your Xbox 360. I would choose Xbox One since any achievements you earned on X360 will carry over to Xbox One and you could just buy Taken King and get all the DLCs for free.
Destiny charactera will cross from 360 to xb1 as a personal pref i would say ps4 but regardless of what you hear xb1 is still superb.
Xbox Live > Whatever PS calls their network, it usually just reads unavailable
Edited by Destiny slob: 7/9/2015 8:32:54 PMGo with the xbone. All characters carry over. DLC upgrade to one is free. You will need to rebuy the base game though. Your live account carries over. There is no real difference on destiny between them graphically.Ps exclusives from year one we get in September with TTk release. Familiar with controller layout. Xbox live seems more stable than ps. Always more posts for can't log in from ps users. Get a master chief bundle and O D S T is available now as DLC for £3.00
Check out the controller first... I hate ps controllers, no offset thumbsticks, but that's just my opinion. .. I'd stay with xbox..
Your character and everything will carry over to Xbox One. You'll have to completely start fresh on PS4. Btw, when you upgrade you should get a Master Chief Collection bundle. It has 4 fantastic games on one disc all at 1080p 60fps.
Both consoles are very good regardless of what you hear from any source. They both have their upsides and downsides. I personally prefer the PS4 because I like the Playstation exclusives better, and I also like the controller better than the XB1 controller. The difference in graphics is negligible although they are usually slightly better on the PS4. XBL is probably a bit more stable than PSN, although I think that PSN being down a lot is an overstatement. I think the interwebs blows that totally out of proportion like everything else. PS+ has generally been a better deal than XBs games for gold, but XBL seems to be catching up in this sense. A few other things to consider are that Microsoft just announced limited backwards compatibility with 360 games. You already play on 360, so the transition will be easier. Also, your Destiny profile will only carry over in the same console family. With all of that said, I would recommend the XB1 for you. P.S. Congrats on becoming a dad...it's the best feeling you'll ever experience. Good luck!
If you need permission to enjoy your hobby, better just give it up altogether. She'll be happier.
get the new Xb1 with the 1 TB HD. From what I understand yo0u progress will carry over. Xbox live > PSN I have both consoles, don't get me wrong I love my ps4 for allot of the games but for multiplayer I mostly use my Xb1. In my opinion both consoles are great but I do play on the XB1 more.
Get a ps4. My buddy has an Xbox 1 and we always get the same games, and his always look so much worse. I brought my expendable HD TV 25 in 60hz, over to his house and we tested it side by side. Ps4 blows it out of the water.
Xbox 1; You'll keep your Destiny characters Xbox exclusives Backwards compatibility CORTANA Ps4; Have to remake but u get destiny 1 year exclusives Ps4 exclusives ????? ? ? !?