I'd be interested to know what the community thinks about Etheric Light, and the ability to keep your old gear fresh and relevant.
[b]Should future DLC continue giving us the ability to bring older weapons and armor to the current light level?[/b]
While I am genuinely interested in hearing the community's thoughts on this, I will post my own opinion. Just don't let it sway your vote one way or the other.
Personally, I loved this idea. I absolutely love being able to use my favorite weapons from the past. I love being able to customize my guardian's look by using older armor with a different look, without sacrificing light level. I think it was a fantastic move on Bungie's part, to keep the entire game relevant. I think it would be a mistake to let a piece of the game die out and become irrelevant and obsolete.
However, the one stipulation to my opinion is that we need to have an adequate vault space to keep all this stuff, but I've said plenty enough about that. Not that Bungie cares...
Leave a comment with an explanation why you voted the way you did. Thanks for participating!
That being said I feel the Etheric light took the entire grind out of the game and now everyone is level 34