I will continue. But one question: You said that I have to study my animal guide to connect with it, but how do I do that if I don't know what it is?
You can meet your guide even before you know anything about them. However If you want to become truly connected to your guide, then it helps to learn as much about them (and their species) as you can. But you have to wait until you learn what your guide is before you can do that.
Oh, ok.
Any progress?
No, unfortunately. I did dream about being a female today, though.
You'll get it eventually, so hang in there...
Okay. Thanks.
I did talk to my guid this morning. Most of what they said was kind of rude, but they did have some encouraging things to say. Mostly it was just "Diligence", but I am supposed to remind you that your life spirit guide is just that, a "spirit", (think of it like a guardian angel). So if you don't believe in spirits (and you truly must believe) then your guide won't show itself to you. [spoiler]And I'm not talking about ghosts.[/spoiler]
I... don't really know how I feel about that... a spirit may exist, but I don't know... I'm troubled in subjects like this...
Edited by TheNobleWolf: 7/11/2015 9:12:56 PMI can tell you with 100% certainty that spirits do exist, because I talk with one on a regular basis... I can't however, force you to believe in them, that's a road you have to decide you want to take. My grandfather is half First Nation (Cherokee, he grew up on a reservation in Oklahoma), and he helped raise me to believe that EVERYTHING has a life, and more importantly, a spirit, (it doesn't matter what it is, big or small). I'm a very spiritual person, and maybe that's why it's so easy for me. It might be possible to meet your guid without being a spiritual person. However, I don't think you can truly befriend them unless you are.
I actually have Native American blood in me. It's like Homa Nation or something. My mother told me a long time ago. I believe I'm 1/8 indian, does that make a difference?
Unfortunately, no... Blood doesn't matter, it's your spirit, and what you truly believe that does.
I don't have a set belief. I suppose if I want to belive, I can. So I will.
I don't think that it's so important to have a "set belief", I think that it's important to just "believe" something.
That's what I mean. I just don't know how... I feel so detatched from anything internal or spiritual or natural...
I understand being disconnected from the natural world, most people today think I'm crazy for believing that everything has a life, and that all life is sacred and should be shown respect. [spoiler]Humanity as a whole has become very detached from the world we live in.[/spoiler] But I've always been confident in myself, and I've tried to stay connected to the world spiritually ever since I was mature enough to fully understand how important it was. But I'm a terrible teacher, and unfortunately I can't just snap my fingers and make people understand... [spoiler]If I could then the world would be a much better place right now.[/spoiler] Let me think about it for a bit, and I'll get back to you.
Okay. Thanks for all the advice. I really want to do this.
I want you to be able to do it too. I'm just sorry that I'm not a better teacher :(
You really aren't that bad. Cheer up. :D
Thanks... It's just frustrating because I understand everything, I just don't know how to convey it to other people.
I'm going to try to meditate again tonight. Maybe put on my anti-noise headphones. Try to get as close to silence as possible.
Good... Keep at it and I'm sure you will get there eventually.
How do I hear his/her/its words, though? I can't see anything without making it up in my mind... like, I cannot picture it being there without actually imagining it...
That's a tough one... Sometimes it will feel like tug on the back of your mind, and sometimes it will be pretty obvious when they are talking to you... The first time I met my guide, they wouldn't even tell me their name. But now I (on occasion) have full conversations with them.
I'll just keep meditating. These are questions I suppose I can only answer for myself.