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originally posted in: Arkham Knight Discussion Thread
7/9/2015 9:08:14 PM
Was anyone else a bit disappointed with the boss battles? “Arkham Knight. It's you. And me. It is on. This is the battle of the night. Time to see which of us is truly— wait what? We're just... Driving around in circles?..” “Aha! Arkham Knight. We meet again. It's time for you and I to settle this in the old— are you shitting me?! Driving around in circles [i]again[/i]?!” “Hey! Firefly! It'll be interesting to see how they— oh I'm driving in circles. Again.” “No. F*cking. Way. Deathstroke. Man, I love this guy, [i]this[/i] is going to be the clash I've been waiting— WHAT?! HOW DOES THE BATMOBILE EVEN APPLY HERE?!” I know it's been said a thousand times about how this game just f*cked off a lot of other things to solely focus on the Batmobile, but f*ck! When I play games like this, my favourite parts are always taking on guys like Deathstroke and the Arkham Knight– the worthy adversaries. Yet they were [i]both[/i] somehow reduced to driving around, shooting Cobras, then just spamming X to launch a f*ck tonne of missiles at the boss. I actually timed my 1:1 with Deathstroke, after the Cobras were gone, it took a grand total of 39 seconds to find him, spam a full missile barrage, then just finish him off with the cannon. And then he jumps out of the tank like 'It is on'— nope! Cutscene and he's down. Great. Thanks Rocksteady. The tagline should have been [b]BE THE BAT[i]MOBILE[/i][/b]

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  • This couldn't be more accurate

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  • This game threw batman into a kind of "army is attacking my city so I need a tank" kinda situation. Sure it seems repetitive to a degree, and I am the Batman fan of the century, but there were thousands of unmanned tanks (very crafty military tactic) running around his city. [spoiler]batmobile needed[/spoiler] PLUS the Batmobile precedence in this game merely makes up for the lack of Batmobile use in the first 3 games. WE HAVE BEEN WAITING.

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  • But the unmanned tank thing made it so unrealistic! Even for a comic-based game, I mean.. The Knight is well aware that all he has to do is just stick a guy in the tank, then watch Batman flounder around trying to 'not indirectly kill' him. I prefer the Movie-Batman, where he's not afraid to leave the odd bad-guy to die :L I know it sounds grim and un-batman-ish.. But.. I mean.. Where do you draw the line on that? Why doesn't the riddler just broadcast to Batman saying 'yeah, take your batclaw, and shoot it down your throat, in the next 5 seconds. Or I'll kill all these hostages. Simple choice, no time for heroics. You or them.' This is why I prefer Red Hood. He gets shit done. Anyway, the sheer number of drones felt out of place to me :L like they were just an excuse to blow shit up in my tank. A few fights, sure, but it's got to be around 40-50% of the story just driving around, solving car puzzles, doing car-infiltrations, getting into car-fights. I didn't enjoy those parts en masse. And don't even get me started on the (lack of) DLC. Although at lest there's very little Car in all of that.

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  • Mmm, but that's just it. The Riddler has stated on numerous occasions that he only wants to beat Batman involving some sort of riddle with which he intellectually stumps him. And there are a few enemies that abuse the fact that Batman prefers not to kill (a [i]core[/i] principle/concept for all traditional Batman characters)), even within the Arkham Knight. [spoiler]he still finds a way[/spoiler] [spoiler]its just better because now we can go on a fckn roof with a car-tank[/spoiler 1. The parts of the game where the car was not involved were OUTSTANDING. Fighting with various members of the Bat Family was a rewarding experience, and the new combos, combo takedowns, environmental takedowns, ventilation mechanics (seeing outline of ventilation shafts with blue highlights was a deceptively amazing, tiny change), and my personal fav, the glue gun quickfire.. Damn.. it was all great. This game was/is a work of art. 2. Furthermore, these parts were also a notch or two up in the challenge department. I played my first playthrough on Hard and was met with incredible resistance. It was so fun that I'm perfectly willing to do it all again, on my New Game +. I really feel as though Batman was pushed to his mental limits in this game, which is a concept that interests me because generally people in the same physical category are able to compete with others of their physical stature... But their brains could be an entire different story. Different individuals require different events and various other factors to wear them down mentally, and many characters across the DC Universe tend to have amazing mental prowess across many areas. Batman has seen so much and as a fan it was interesting to, say, hear Bruce call Tim Drake "Jason" after his flashbacks of the video Joker sent him. As sadistic as it seems, I took great interest in this game because I feel it accurately portrayed Batman and Bruce Wayne as different people (because Batman is more of a concept, an identity anyway really).

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  • Haha I didn't even know I beat two faces ass until I saw him just laying next to his gun . I guess I strung him up an let his ass fall. Shows how cold batman is

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  • I hated the deathstroke battle

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  • Funny how deathstroke even says when you're taking him to gcpd[quote]if you were any kind of man, you would pull over and finish this fight[/quote] -blam!- what did you just do?

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  • Yep.

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  • >plays batman game >doesn't know who batman is >complains about batman acting like batman >still crying >still a desticle

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  • > Enters forums > Misreads post about his night-time fantasy > Jumps to conclusions > Attempts to undermine a self-proclaimed casual by calling him a 'desticle' Come on Jack, you're boring me

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  • LOL @ self proclaimed casual. So you are admitted you don't know shit. STFU now plezz. kthanxbai

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  • Edited by Vgnut: 7/11/2015 10:33:40 PM
    I agree. It's like they chose to go with the Batmobile early on and just kept going deeper and deeper with it. It's like they bet everything on the Batmobile, lost, then doubled down by throwing their watch and car keys on the table to try and make things work out. It could have just been a mode of transport and had a few missions but they felt compelled to use it since they had it. They made it the selling point of the game. Damn thing is even on the cover.

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  • It [i]should[/i] have just been a mode of transport :L instead: “Hmm how shall I infiltrate this building, I could use my highly tuned detective ski— oh wait I'll just use the car” “Hmm how shall I take on this villain, I think that with precise application of— oh wait I'll just use the car” “The Militia have deployed APC's, but if I use this gadget just right then I should— oh wait I'll just use the car” “The Militia have occupied Gotham with a huge force of.... Drones... Hey! I can blow those up... With the car. Again, and again, and again, and again.” “Ah! The Riddler has returned! What devious machinations ha— oh. They're all about the car” “Firefly has returned... One quick Batclaw [i]could[/i] bring— oh f*ck it, I'll just chase him [b]in the car[/b]” “This building needs power, using my highly sophisticated WayneTech.... Oh f*ck it, I think there just so happens to be a number of convenient hooks for the Power Winch, let's see if I can get this car on the f*cking roof” “Gah, Ivy needs to locate her tree. How shall I ever— oh wait, I'll just use the car” “Oh no! The Militia have deployed a large number of bombs across the— yeah I'm gonna be using the car again aren't I” “I can track the car that took Oracle... Hmm.. I'd usually just use Detective Mode for that... It's how I got by in the past three games... But f*ck it, back in the car” “Ah. Scarecrow has fortified Ace Chemicals. Not a problem, I have infiltrated larger strongholds than this before. But this time, I'm going to use the car to destroy the tanks, then use the car to drive along to a hostage, the car will then be conveniently situated right behind the group of Militia that are about to kill me. The Arkham Knight will conveniently not notice the car that he knows so much about. I'll then put the hostage in the car and drive him to safety. After returning in the car, I shall use the car to clear a path to an elevator, which I will then use the car to move. After using the car to bring me back up to ground level, I will use the car to destroy some more tanks. I will then use the car to make a hole near a 'service entrance' to the plant, before I use the car to enter the plant and drive down to Scarecrow. When I am trapped in an exploding room, I will use the car to escape, before driving out to safety. Man. How did I ever survive without this car?!”

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  • [quote] “Ah! The Riddler has returned! What devious machinations ha— oh. They're all about the car” [/quote] Riddler makes all his challenges require a car because in the past 3 games Batman left it behind. Barman brings car. Riddler loses. Batman is always ahead of the game.

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  • The catch 22 with the Batmobile is that, because it takes some getting used to, Rocksteady has to be heavy handed with it especially early on. I think that's the problem with it just being a mode of transportation. So maybe the entire thing was a mistake.

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  • Edited by Jack0O7: 7/11/2015 10:23:47 PM
    Lol @ kids crying over playing in the bat mobile. The most -blam!-ing kick ass car ever made.

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  • Lol @ -blam!-wits crying about people 'crying' about how the new feature is massively over-used. I can only think of [b]one[/b] over-used 'thing' that I don't mind taking for a ride time and time again: [spoiler]Your mother[/spoiler]

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  • You sound bitter and mad that Rocksteady listened to their community and added a kickass bat mobile.

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  • You sound like an 8 year-old... 'Mad'? Seriously? Aww, I'm sorry junior, I'll leave you to brum brum around in your special car, drive safely mister!

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  • Says the guy having a complete meltdown that someone would enjoy over car in a video game.

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  • Yeah... You sound like you're 'enjoying over' this car... A little too much... If you get what I mean...

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  • What do I mean, oh master of the English language?

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  • No, I asked if you get what [b]I[/b] mean.... You're struggling here aren't you.. I'd offer to draw you a picture, but I'd need a pen with a much finer tip

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  • STFU nub

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  • 'Nub'... Ouch... What an insult.... Would you care to try again? It's mildly amusing watching you trip over your own language

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