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Edited by LtDan: 7/9/2015 9:51:00 PM

The Thorn and general weapon balance

First the linked video is not mine, I came across it and agreed with many of it's points. Now, people say that the thorn is OP and needs to be nerfed. Well nerfing a weapon is not always the answer. Back when the vex was hard to get people complained, bungie in turn nerfed the Jesus out of it across the board. Now the vex is an ok gun but not really a go to gun like the thorn or last word(in my opinion) they also did the same to auto rifles with an across the board nerf. Like th video states they made an entire gun class basically useless in PVE and pvp, and you guys wonder why you loose gun fights to the thorn. Stop asking for nerfs and ask for proper weapon balance to be done. If they rebuff auto rifles to do better at mid to close range and have a sharp damage drop after that then you should beat out the thorn 7 out of 10 times. (more or less) I know that when they nerfed auto rifles that was the idea but the execution was bad. How many times do you see a suros regime? Almost never cuz they killed it. At the rate everyone is complaining bungie will nerf the thorn across the board as well, and I don't think the thorn is that great in PVE at the moment so they'll make it worse. Basically all I'm saying is nerfing is not the answer, proper weapon balance is the answer and again, as the video states, we know bungie can change damage just in crucible and leave PVE alone. Bungie please bring back auto rifles and the vex mythoclast isn't that amazing in PVE either so bring that back too. Feel free to comment, share your thoughts, or correct any of my information and please bump so this will be seen by many. Thanks!

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