Face it... I'm a dead man. I've survived 2 wars, seen all my friends, my hunters die. I have only a few minutes left. Do me one favor. Come down here and see me in my death. I have one last gift.
*i quickly step into a drop pod and drop to your position. I land a few meters from you and run up to you with a merlot.* "damnit we can't lose anyone else! First Pavel now you."
Buddy. I hav- wait what the -blam!- happened to pavel? No time, agh. Here. Take the magnum back. And my captains insignia. Now listen to me. Shoot me. I have a bullet loaded in there. That bullet shot me in the knee. I want to die with a memory. Now. I ask you a favor; bury me in a park on new terra. I've written a book on our adventures up to the battle of Mexico from the perspective of private Eric morn (sound familiar? Desticle at heart) and I titled it "a new home". Finish it and publish it.
"Goddamn you...ok. That park will be a national park with your name." *takes magnum and loads the changer.*
*upon you shooting me, you back up. Only to see my corpse ascend to the heavens. I look down at you* the abyss is a good thing. I've been opening portals to a heaven, where I am the god. *summons white magnum* keep this and know: I'm going to be watching this empire closely *dissapears*
The body remained. Soul lifted
Send me out... With a bang. Back up after shooting though. You'll see why