You should chill the f[i]uck[/i] out. You're the one getting all sweaty and shit over PSN. This guy has a preferred console and it really is true that PSN goes down way more than xbox does.
[spoiler]You're the fanboy[/spoiler]
Omg ANOTHER fan boy? Wow you all are coming out the wood work to attack me lmao
Sweet baby jesus this has to be b8. No one is truly this dumb.
And how is what I said "dumb" ? You're a fanboy, backing up other fanboys, that got trolled and continue to get trolled, and you threw yourself into the mix, that makes you dumb, not me.
Ah, so it was b8. [spoiler]btw, only 12 year olds actually say trolled[/spoiler]
So? you're the dumbass that went along with it lmao so you must be what, 7?
I said to chill out, the guy has a preferred console. How is that playing into it? Point is doing shit like that in the first place is immature and breeds hate. Many people don't know what b8 is. There's no need to further draw this out and make yourself seem even younger and more immature.
Ok. But honestly you saying I'm acting immature and dragging it out, is kind of hypocritical ad you ate doing the same... you know what, nvm. I'm done. I know that b8 was too delicious to pass up.
I guess I forgot to add illiterate to that previous list.
Sweet delicious b8. Would r8 8/8 so I can go masterb8?
Don't h8 because you can't sk8 to attract a m8. Just apologize and clear the sl8.