Ok so thanks to the beautiful xur this week, selling Eternal Warrior for Titans. Now, this gives the unstoppable perk making Titans harder to kill when using FoH (which is what I usually use in the skill tree btw).
However now this spot is free... For me and I'm sure many others, to commit to using shoulder charge or juggernaut (overshield when sprinting). So guardians, prepare to get smashed by these lovely perks in the crucible. All, of course, thanks to Xur.
Edit: looks like I was pretty much the only one using unstoppable anyway hehe
You're most likely the only one who uses unstoppable
As a Titan main, I never used unstoppable in the first place, doesn't exactly seem like the most useful thing ever, I prefer the helm of inmost light
...I've never really used unstoppable. Maybe there were like 5 instances out of all my crucible matches where it'd have been dandy to have. Still not better than double grenades. And peregrine is the best exotic for shoulder charges.
Who DOESN'T use Shoulder Charge anyway? It's never turned off on my Titan.
could you imagine how broken it would be if they came out with an exotic for titans that does what the purifier robes do, except in the case of titans it blinds anyone in the radius of an active shoulder charge lol :D
[quote]Ok so thanks to the beautiful xur this week, selling Eternal Warrior for Titans. Now, this gives the unstoppable perk making Titans harder to kill when using FoH (which is what I usually use in the skill tree btw). However now this spot is free... For me and I'm sure many others, to commit to using shoulder charge or juggernaut (overshield when sprinting). So guardians, prepare to get smashed by these lovely perks in the crucible. All, of course, thanks to Xur. [spoiler]-.-[/spoiler][/quote] I've always used shoulder charge. Since day 1. Nothing more satisfying than hitting a hunter and watching their rag doll bodies fly.
Why would anyone use anything else than peregrine greaves? Bye bye arc blades and radiances.
I love shoulder charge.. Its hilarious
They need a crutch to counteract blink shotgun spam
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I got eternal warrior from an exotic engram wasn't planning on buying it
Unstoppable isn't worth giving up shoulder charge anyway. And it's also not worth giving up that extra grenade. TNTitties FTW!
Unstoppable sucks. I go to first of havoc some vandals in nightfall this week and one of the bastards just one shots me with a single swipe of his blade. Unstoppable my ass... But in all seriousness, probably not worth the exotic slot. Shoulder charge isn't that great with everyone using shotguns and juggernaut seems to have little use. I use it sometimes, but never seem to use it for anything that I couldn't do without it.
People would run around w shoulder charge, get their super, switch to unstoppable anyway. Now they just don't have to switch perks.
I got shoulder charged on cauldron last night so hard..... I lost all sound in my headphones. I literally had to close destiny app and relaunch it for sound to resume. Well played Titan well played
I just use skull fort so I get maxed discipline and strength with my other armor. Shoulder charge + shotgun is my primary and secondary.
Who uses eternal warrior anyway. Crest for trials and armamentarium for everything else.
Oh don't worry you forgetting about the ram? Come at me Titans !!!
Every striker titan was using shoulder charge anyway. It's just going to give their fist of panic even more invincibility.
The scrubs need the help.
I got my eternal warrior from poe
No thanks i gotta run them stand asides
you look fabulous today
why using shoulder charge if I have a shotty thats more usefullxD
I've always used unstoppable...no better feeling than getting golden gunned mid fist and surviving!
I rarely come across a titan using Unstoppable fyi, both titan and warlock have a brief defense boost when activating Foh and Nova bomb. Unstoppable is just a waste.