Happy Friday!
Do you want a chance to play with team inclement?
We are the number one PVP Destiny clan on Xbox one. Myself and another member will be carrying viewers and donators to the lighthouse, quick and easy? 9-0 barley ever have to use our mercy.
If you would like a chance to play with us go watch: www.twitch.tv/nivea_tv
How much do you charge? I'll pay
A donation for a service is not a donation. It's called a sale or transaction. The more you know *rainbows*
Using bungie products for personal gain violates code of conduct.
I'm in right now would love the help guys gt kam3lrid31216
Awsome ill be tuning in :) My gt : DUBSTEP TRIPPA INVITES MEEEEE Maxxedd weapons all round
Help! I'll be on all day Saturday...look forward to watching u guys in action.
Need help with trials. I'm not that good just need fours wins for the helmet please add chrissansano
I'm a hunter level 34 max last word and thorn Very good people in trials Same game tag Get flawless 9-0 you message me back never get see lighthouse someone be warlock and Titan