Obsessive-Compulsive Personality Disorder https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Obsessive%E2%80%93compulsive_personality_disorder It is related, but not the same as OCD, although they share similar traits, and both can present in the same person. The major difference is a persistent, often irrational anxiety which OCD sufferers are forced to endure, unless they perform certain specific rituals which wards off the sense of impending doom. Whereas OCPD is often characterized as a kind of perfectionist or over-organizational personality traits, OCD is a severe and debilitating anxiety-inducing condition which is seen by sufferers as unwanted and undesirable. I imagine OCPD can also present as severe and debilitating, but it is usually seen by society as a perfectionist quirk and thus, less stigmatized. For example, OCD can make a person feel that their loved ones may die today if the sufferer does not recite the entire alphabet 3 times backwards. Whereas a person with OCPD may constantly fidget with the placement of all things on their desk so as to be symmetrical and evenly spaced, and while they may obsess over it and compulsively adjust their belongings, it is not due to a foreboding sense of imminent danger or disaster if they don't, but a sense of discomfort. I know people with OCD and they have difficulty leaving their home because they have to keep going back to check that they turned the heat off, or locked the door, and they have to do it x number of times or they fear something bad might happen. They may also sense strangers in public as having negative auras, what might be called 'bad vibes' only much worse, and they have to actively physically avoid such people on the street, which makes it that much harder to go out, or use public transit, etc.for fear of becoming 'contaminated' by these energies, and they may be forced to engage in a lengthy cleansing ritual when alone or in private in order to feel safe. So what most people mistakenly call 'OCD" is actually OCPD. I try to distinguish between the two by referring to OCPD as 'Anankastic Personality Disorder', so people don't get confused.