[b]Edit: [i]OLD POST from week 2 of HoW pre-nerf when Qodron was 34 boss. That's why this post is about level 33s[/i][/b]
My fireteam and I got out asses handed to us today. Let me start by saying, we were all level 33s, but very capable PvE players. I can solo Crota, nightfalls, and I've soloed both weeks of PoE 32. I can't speak for the others in my fireteam, but they weren't any less capable than me. We made it through the first 4 rounds with relative ease. We even had great teamwork going during the fallen section, 2 of us alternating constant bubbles, spawning tons of orbs, and the other guy using golden gun with celestial nighthawk. Borderline dominant. Had a couple wipes here and there but it was not a struggle whatsoever to make it to Qodron.
.....then shit hit the fan. Before we knew about Qodrons Eye, we started shooting the detainment shields when they showed up, just like any VoG vets would, and didn't come close to bringing them down. So obviously we learn that we have to go kill his eye to get the buff. It's was still nearly impossible to take the shield down. We could do it but barely. And the hardest part was just finding Qodrons Eye in the [b]MASS CHAOS[/b] going on around us. Seriously Bungie, did you really need to put that many hobgoblins???? 2 snipes killed us, and we were getting shot at from all directions. A lot of the time, we couldn't find him in time, and then when we did find him, we died trying to kill him; leaving us very few chances to even break the detainment shields.
And then ANOTHER eye spawns immediately with more ads?? I thought we would at least get to finish off a wave a deal some damage to Qodron before trying to find another eye. Nope. It was constant. Spent so might time worrying about that, when do you ever get enough time to deal damage to Qodron? After over half an hour of wipes, and still didn't make it past the second eye spawn, we gave up. It was just nuts. I've never seen something that seemed so insurmountable. We only had 2 GHorns and even with weapons of light, 14 rockets only took him out about a 5th of his health. So doing the GHorn burn strat just was feasible.
[b][u]Way[/u][/b]too many hobs.
[b]Way[/b] too many other ads
Had a hard time with detainment shields even with the buff
Only 2 GHorns.
Seriously, has anyone been able to beat this as only a group of 33s? If so, please let me know how. I'm not going to try again tonight, but I'd just like to know.
Personally, I've found the right side to work better than the left. Pro's and Con's: + You only have one entrance to cover (except for harpies, but they are no the biggest threat) + The Eye seemed to be a bit more dependable on the RHS (but this might just be subjective) - Less cover from Qodron's splash The number 1 thing you [b]must[/b] do is huddle together behind cover when you see the "Qodron is searching for targets" notification. Shots penetrate the bubbles, so if you are all together, then when you shoot your own bubble, you'll also be hitting the bubbles of your allies. With this it's even possible to get all three out of bubbles without the Jailbreaker buff, although you shouldn't rely on that as you'll still emerge with pretty low health and be easy fodder for Hobnobs. For bursting bubbles, I've had the best luck with automatic shotguns (Lord of Wolves is nice because you get a lot of ammo and bursting a bubble procs the recovery boost) although high any high impact weapon (i.e. sniper, fusion, HMG) seems to do pretty well. Primaries don't seem to have enough punch to be effective. Rockets...well...if I need to tell you, you're probably beyond help ;) Heavy synths will make your life easier. The longer the fight drags on, the more chance you'll have for things to go wrong, so you want to get it done quickly. Have one person focus on finding/slaying the eye, another covering the one entrance and a third doing damage on Qodron. Rotate the last two roles as people exhaust heavy. If you have a strong player, he can do the eye and cover the entrance alone while the other two hit Qodron and jump to his aid when required. Communicate well when you need help, particularly with the eye - better that the "wrong" person gets it than no one gets it at all. Personally, I always save 1 rocket for taking down the eye in an emergency situation. Use supers often to generate orbs. Hunters are better off with gunslinger to take out Hobnobs or the Eye. Titans should pop WoD, but be careful not to pop one just before getting trapped in bubble or you might find yourself unable to hit your own bubble. Also don't pop the WoD behind cover - the WoD [i]is[/i] cover and it gives you one less place to take refuge when Qodron searches for targets. Blessings is probably better than Weapons for this one.