His damn economic principles are the reason why are in this shit we are now. Massive govt spending always own the economy. The New Deal is why the Great Depression was considered "great." Here- it was a global depression but other countries climbed out of it much faster because they didn't initiate all that massive govt spending. The economy did not turn around and take off until Truman took office and made massive tax and spending cuts. Only then did the U.S. Economy recover and take off.
Really?! My AP US teacher made him out to be this great guy. She was very liberal though.
Yeah, liberals like FDR for sure. He was surrounded by known Communists after all...
Edited by Vgnut: 7/10/2015 11:31:26 PMSo you trust some random poster on Bnet's off-topic forum over an AP history teacher? Look at the source he posted.
Keep in mind that there is a narrative which history teachers have to keep to. It's why I eventually decided not to teach it.
Edited by Vgnut: 7/11/2015 12:57:34 AM
I told my wife, who is a teacher, that I was accused on a forum by some random person that I wear a tinfoil hat because I claimed that history teachers must follow a specific narrative. She laughed and said, "I thought everyone knew that!" I had to agree. I thought it was pretty evident as well. You're entitled to go on believing whatever you'd like though - freedom of religion and all.
Hmmm... Maybe why
I second this. Plus he took us to war after campaigning on the premise that we would stay out of the war.
You truly are stupid. I'm a Canadian and I still know more about why your country went to war it seems
Did you get the nothingness that you just insolently puked as a response on your shirt?
[quote]I second this. Plus he took us to war after campaigning on the premise that we would stay out of the war.[/quote] We didn't go to war until Japan attacked Pearl Harbor.
You would be implying that we had no intention of going to war, had no knowledge of the Japanese threat, and did nothing to provoke them. I don't blame you for seeing it that way but history isn't as black and white as we're taught.
The only thing we did that could have possibly provoked them was instituting an embargo when they started invading the Pacific. We didn't attack them, we simply didn't want to fuel their imperialistic expansion. Negotiations were underway between us and Japan when they attacked.
Edited by Nonebot: 7/10/2015 11:40:45 PMHere's a nice chunk of information which helps to explain how I came to my conclusions. Edit: There's also a book entitled "Day of Deceit" about how FDR had prior knowledge of the attack. Take it or leave it but there's some interesting evidence to support it.