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originally posted in: Titan Family Meeting
7/10/2015 9:28:29 PM
Jamaican Titan DreaD, The Orb-Bringer is here. Sorry I'm a bit late brothers, the Emrald drive I bought from Xur last week exploded unexpectedly - left me stranded about 77 miles from the entrance to the Cosmodrome! I'm gonna 'Disintegrate' that seaweed-faced nerdbag when I see him in the Tower Lounge later. Thank the Light for the Titan's 'Increased Control' - glided 3 times faster than a backpedalling Fallen Captain to make it back. So Titan Brothers, where do you need this 'Blessed and Illuminated' Ward of Dawn placed? Oh almost forgot, I brought some legendary engrams, Ether Keys, and bottles of Johnnie Waker whiskey for about 777 ppl - sry didn't have enough vault space. And I have one exotic engram for the OP, thanks for the invitation brother. Now let's get down to business in this meeting, because on September 15th - these....'other' classes are going to rely on us to SMASH, SHIELD and HAMMER that oversized Hive Knight-with-wings Oryx. Furthermore, the type of chaos & orbs we are gonna collectively create with the Hammer of Sol is going to be nothing short of spectacular. "Strive for honor. Stand for hope." -DreaD

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