Seriously. -blam!- this game right up the dick hole. I -blam!-ing hate bungie now. Activision already sucked ass. I'm so -blam!-ing done though.
Trials is laggy as -blam!- because dedicated servers aren't a thing. No -blam!-ing raid in the HoW. Shitty ass raid in TDB. Nerfed auto rifles into the -blam!-ing ground. Exotic hand cannons are stupidly -blam!-ing op. This game is a piece of -blam!-ing shit. Until this shit game gets fixed, I'm out.
BO3 is going to be awesome. Zombies got me hooked cuz. GTA V is awesome. Basically, any other game then destiny is better. There's nothing new to do in this shit ass game.
It's rinse and -blam!-ing repeat over and over again. Same -blam!-ing layout for strikes. All crucible maps are close ranged. Shotguns one shot you from -blam!-ed up ranges. Fusion rifles aren't used at all. PvP is the even more unbalanced than a feather at one end of a scale, and a metric ton at the other end. Can't enjoy PvE for the life of me
Also, this community is the worst I've ever seen in my entire life. People are so -blam!-ed up (including me lol).
[spoiler]seriously, -blam!- this game, and this community[/spoiler]
People like you should die