Who ever comments the number 2 [b]not in italics or bold or underlined or a mix and just the number 2 and not quoted[/b] gets a pat on the back
Two =p
2[b] [/b]
Edited by U5875747: 7/25/2015 7:51:12 AM[url=http://example.com][b][spoiler][u][u][quote][b][spoiler][i][url=http://example.com][u][quote][url=http://example.com][quote][spoiler][b][/b][/spoiler][/quote]link[/url][/quote][/u]link[/url][/i][/spoiler][/b][/quote][/u][/u][/spoiler][/b]link[/url][url=http://example.com][url=http://example.com][quote][i][spoiler][u][spoiler][quote][b][spoiler][spoiler][i][quote][spoiler][i][quote][u][spoiler]2[/spoiler][/u][/quote][/i][/spoiler][/quote][/i][/spoiler][/spoiler][/b][/quote][/spoiler][/u][/spoiler][/i][/quote]link[/url]link[/url][spoiler][b][url=http://example.com]link[/url][/b][/spoiler] Find it
i cant type that but i can type one
To,too,two 2?
It's the third number in Fibonacci numbers.
The number 2
Too, two, to
Two. Dammit so close. Almost wrote the number two twice now.
This is impossible I give
Edited by Ben Dover: 7/24/2015 8:28:48 AMYes I can type to
3. I tried...
Two Blam!
Edited by Kool Prodigy: 7/24/2015 8:18:29 AM[b]2[/b]
10\5 2
Edited by Red Skyward: 7/24/2015 8:14:26 AM[b][i][u][quote]Two[/quote]