Who ever comments the number 2 [b]not in italics or bold or underlined or a mix and just the number 2 and not quoted[/b] gets a pat on the back
Go -blam!- yourself
The number 2
Edited by Paesano099: 7/12/2015 4:43:44 AM
[quote][b] [/b][/quote]
3 Shit I messed up
[quote] 2 [b] 2 [/b] [/quote] Two. To? Too?
Edited by Vex: 7/12/2015 3:35:05 AM[b][i][u]2[/u][/i][/b]
You look cute today
The number two
*[i]tries really hard[/i]* [b][i]2[/i][/b]
number 2 [b]not in italics or bold or underlined or a mix and just the number 2 and not quoted[/b] gets a pat on the back Can i get a pat on the back now?
Can [b]you[/b] type "you"?
Uh um............. [u][b][i]176829!!!!!!!!!!![/i][/b][/u]
[quote][i][spoiler][spoiler][i][url=http://www.example.com][b][url=http://www.example.com][u][spoiler][quote][i][quote][b][spoiler][spoiler][spoiler][url=http://www.example.com][spoiler][url=http://www.example.com][quote][b][quote][i][spoiler][spoiler][i][spoiler][u][quote][i][spoiler][url=http://www.example.com][spoiler][url=http://www.example.com][spoiler][b][quote][quote][i]TOO TO ToO 2 SECOND 2nd 2st 2rd 2th TUTU 22[/i][/quote][/quote][/b][/spoiler][/url][/spoiler][/url][/spoiler][/i][/quote][/u][/spoiler][/i][/spoiler][/spoiler][/i][/quote][/b][/quote][/url][/spoiler][/url][/spoiler][/spoiler][/spoiler][/b][/quote][/i][/quote][/spoiler][/u][/url][/b][/url][/i][/spoiler][/spoiler][/i][/quote]
2 can be as bad as 1 but the loneliest number is the number 1