Warlocks are bad bcuz they die all the time but then just self-rez. It takes so much more skill to be a hunter
Yea, because going invisible and running around is so much more skill demanding...
I use gunslinger
Well I don't know about you but when those -blam!-ing hunters run around flailing golden guns and get killed, its me the warlock who saves the nightfall and picks there asses out of the dirt
...okay buddy sure
With my friends it isn't... *shudders*
The warlocks are mad because they know it's true, a hunter that's goes through a hard raid without dying is no doubt better than a warlock with self res or a Titan that stays in a bubble
Youre wrong
Gunslinger's super: aim shoot repeat. Easy 3 kills. No skill confirmed
Warlock super: get myself back to life because I suck then spam grenades everywhere hoping they'll burn someone to death because I can't aim for shit OR, throw a giant panic bubble
Then why are you using Sunsinger on your Warlock instead of Voidwalker?
Why would I not use it retard?
Wasnt even talkin about you?
Yea you were.. You replied to me asking why I use sunsinger instead of void Walker.
Was meant for the guy op top, with the 18 replies, sorry for that
Ahh aight dog
i use voidwalker in pvp and sunsinger in pve because it makes more orbs
Dude you sound so salty, acting like you've never died before and didn't have to restart a game because someone self res. put the hater-ade down bruh. It's unhealthy. And there are LOCKS out here that shoot great but just can AFFORD to die unlike you hunters and Titans and who mad about space magic nukes lol beast out every super except a golden gun atm
Wait are you serious?
Lmao oh you were serious