You realized that "Destiny: The Taken King" is Destiny 2, right?
SHit, i missed that in the news too! Damn. Thanks bro, you are the well informed MAN! Nice job. I googled it and it still didn't say TTK was destiny 2, it said expansion, but luckily you're here and good folks like you that spread the truth, not hearsay.
Lol TTK is the "comet" between Destiny 1 and 2.
You are the most retarded human being on the planet. Destiny 2 is gonna be a whole new game. TTK is an add on to the already existing Destiny.
In that case why would they add Destiny 1 dlcs? Idiot
No it's not
It pretty much is, they are changing just about everything
Just because there changing things doesn't make it a different game this is a comet not a new game.
So when destiny 2 actually comes out ..are we gonna call it destiny 3??
No why would we call it destiny 3? This is a big expansion called a comet.
The expansions are expansions they're not completely different games.
That's what I just said
The OP said "that TTK is Destiny 2..that's incorrect
Yes ik that's what's I said, I said that ttk is the comet it'd a big expansion in between 2 regular expansions
Destiny isn't following a "1-10" numbering system. It's going to be like World of Warcraft. Watch the 30 minute interview, you'll see how they talk about Pre-TTK and actually REFER to it as Destiny 1, and then how they're glad to be now able to bring the "fans" the second installment.
There are going to be 5 different destinys because they have a 10 year contract and to every game there is 4 expansions and a comet, the comet goes to the 1 year anniversary to each destiny.
That's what expansions are, they add a lot hence the $40 price tag. But, destiny 2 will be $60 and I bet comes out next year and ps4,x1 only too.