Unfortunately, no... Blood doesn't matter, it's your spirit, and what you truly believe that does.
I don't have a set belief. I suppose if I want to belive, I can. So I will.
I don't think that it's so important to have a "set belief", I think that it's important to just "believe" something.
That's what I mean. I just don't know how... I feel so detatched from anything internal or spiritual or natural...
I understand being disconnected from the natural world, most people today think I'm crazy for believing that everything has a life, and that all life is sacred and should be shown respect. [spoiler]Humanity as a whole has become very detached from the world we live in.[/spoiler] But I've always been confident in myself, and I've tried to stay connected to the world spiritually ever since I was mature enough to fully understand how important it was. But I'm a terrible teacher, and unfortunately I can't just snap my fingers and make people understand... [spoiler]If I could then the world would be a much better place right now.[/spoiler] Let me think about it for a bit, and I'll get back to you.
Okay. Thanks for all the advice. I really want to do this.
I want you to be able to do it too. I'm just sorry that I'm not a better teacher :(
You really aren't that bad. Cheer up. :D
Thanks... It's just frustrating because I understand everything, I just don't know how to convey it to other people.
I'm going to try to meditate again tonight. Maybe put on my anti-noise headphones. Try to get as close to silence as possible.
Good... Keep at it and I'm sure you will get there eventually.
How do I hear his/her/its words, though? I can't see anything without making it up in my mind... like, I cannot picture it being there without actually imagining it...
That's a tough one... Sometimes it will feel like tug on the back of your mind, and sometimes it will be pretty obvious when they are talking to you... The first time I met my guide, they wouldn't even tell me their name. But now I (on occasion) have full conversations with them.
I'll just keep meditating. These are questions I suppose I can only answer for myself.