Ps4, it runs smoother, looks better I mean come on really all the Xbox one has is halo. Call of duty used to be theirs but now it's come down to where it's switching platforms. Not only that but people talking about the colors being more brighter and gives out a more wow than a ps4 but last I checked if you go outside the colors don't go wow? They are more like a dull. So if you want realism than a ps4 is the way to go. Of course you can upgrade the memory but would you rather install it manually than it be a usb like Xbox? Anyone could take that so quick. When you change a hard drive on a ps4 it still looks the same. When you add a hard drive to an Xbox there's a usb hanging from the console. Boring!! Trust me, the best sellers are on ps4 with great stories, amazing gameplay, multiplayer and all.
"All Xbox has is Halo "The colors are brighter on the PS4" Clearly a Sony fanboy. The 2015 Xbox E3 briefing has more than twice the exclusives than Playstation. And who still plays CoD. And it has been known that the PS4 has more of a gray color when it comes to games and the Xbox One has a variety of brighter colors.
Clearly I mean all you had to do was look at my profile lol
"All the Xbox one has is halo"... Ignores the fact more exclusives have been announced at e3 for Xbox than for PlayStation.. Also ignores the face Sony aren't even going to GAMESCON...
Oh gears of war 4 oh my god such a great game ugh wow. No. Just no.
Ooo someone can pick one game that I don't even like ooooo.. All you have is Horizon, Uncharted 4 and No Mans Sky.. -Halo 5 -Recore -Sea of Thieves -Cup head -Gears 4 -Gears 1 remaster -BACKWARDS COMPATIBILITY -Quantum break -Fable legends -Crackdown 3 The list goes on with even more iP's being announced at GAMESCON.. Whereas Sony aren't even attending
Oh the boring ones nice lol
Wow, your ignorance is the reason playstations community is toxic to gaming
I've shown no sign of ignorance sir. Learn to cope with someone else's opinions. I never once said your opinion was terrible I was just making a reply to your comment lol. No you calling me ignorant is a sign showing you're easily hurt
Watch both e3 presentations and read up on who has the most exclusives coming out.. Your opinion is wrong.. Yes you have some good looking games coming out but Xbox has more of equal quality :)
Ps4 surveys are pretty crap compared to XboxOne, let's be honest.
I've never had a problem with the servers. Nor have I had problems with xbox's either. Last I checked we both got hacked by the same people.
I have had both but I feel as my personal opinion they Xbox this far is just more reliable. Ps4 was a big jump though, I am not fibbing about that.
Remember Christmas lol
I tell customers if you're looking for online play and just dominating for multiplayer Xbox. If you're looking for something that gets you into the characters and good story lines the ps4.