Won 31, lost 19..
It's a very underrated gun for sure! It can be very good in the right hands. High aim assist has it too.
And I'm 99% sure that i found out the hidden perk on this one. It has to be High Caliber Rounds. Other players seem to have really hard to hit me! And the gun i had most problem to beat in a 1v1 battle was Red Death. The unflinching perk was probably a very good counter.
Necrochasm does 14 to the head (with aggressive balistics). And 11 to the body. And with that rate of fire it's a good damage output!
I'm still not 100% sure about how much damage the Cursebringer explosions does. But atleast 150. I've gotten a few kills with it!
If you got it, and like autorifles in the crucible, i would recommend you to try it out! I've beaten so many TLWs and Thorns today with it! (There's atleast 2+ in every damn rumble game).
Btw, with the low impact, this gun was barely touched by the nerf!
Edited by draycole: 7/12/2015 2:10:54 PMAll head shots it has a ttk of under 1 second
Thats why i have it, loves it.. Evils laughs
Now if I only could get my hands on that infernal Crux of Crota.... *grumbles*
I want to do this so badly, but sadly not even a Husk yet
Okay, now I actually want one of these.
Don't play rumble bro. Skirmish is more worth your time, even for testing purposes.
Still needs a buff and rework of perks... it just does not hit hard enough per bullet for it mag size. That is my opinion, it is just too crap for the effort put in to get it
You mean shotgun...?
This. Nobody listened when I said the gun was actually really good. People pick it up and do bad & they assume its the gun's fault.
You look cute today
Yeah the nerf cut the impact from 4 down to 2
Do these things still drop in Fist of Crota?
It's the highest ttk did auto rifles right now
Im more astonished that you played 50 games of Rumble in one day o.o LOL I cant do that
Damn, your precision kill ratio is 51%
I will give it a shot on my warlock. Thanks.
Same with Hardlight! Fun to use!
I might've ran in to you today... Are you on 360?
good to see the nasty little critter getting some good publicity i am not really a pvp guy but i do have over 7000 kills with the necro for pve stats my fave gun in the game
If I could only get the Husk to drop I'd have something to do with this Crux
I've used mine in iron banner. It's a fun one especially on the smaller maps. I've gotten double kills and even a few triples thanks to the cursed thrall explosion.
its like the monta carlo so many haters on the gun but i think its a great gun, my favorite gun to use
But 31+19 is 21?? Lol can you even math dude? Get quikskoped.
It's a lot of fun it's hilarious that people using thorn and last words with shorties are doing worse then me using fusion rifle and mainly necrochasm
I love AR's. I have lots of great weapons and many that will outshine them in pvp for sure and of course they suck in pve these days. I did take it out and lead the team. Of course we lost but that has been my day. Always on the loosing end today. It was really fun to top the board though with the eidolon ally. Yes this game has never given me a curx of crota in spite of doing that raid every week. over and over. Oh well, in the crucible it gives the same hit and I am sure all those who die from it either rage or laugh depending on how serious they are.