This isn't a retarded rant, like all the other shit on this subforum but instead a valid argument so shut up if you're one of those retarded Desticles with Tourettes.
The amazing gunplay in CoD sets an ever improving bar for the shooter genre. Though difficult to replicate and often leading to failure (Titanfall, Halo 4) it provides realistic, almost simulation like immersion. Even in the worst of the series, Ghosts (still a brilliant game) I never felt like there was something fundamentally wrong or that there was a way to exploit it. In Destiny it's just everybody exploiting 2 hit kill guns like thorn and last word. It's frustrating and laggy at best.
Weapon balance in Call of Duty also is renowned for its excellency and the developers acknowledging critiscism very well. Admittedly weapon balance is never perfect upon launch (true for most games). Sledgehammer games have been very open with sharing weapon balancing plans and have done a very good job so far. With the next update I believe that there will be now no useless weapons in Advanced Warfare. A considerable feat. In Destiny if you're not using a felwinters sniper rifle and a thorn you're doing it wrong. Everything else is obsolete.
Connectivity issues in CoD are at an all time low in comparison to Destiny with its awful lag and netcode and random disconnection errors. I almost never get kicked or lag from advanced warfare and it's only when the servers or PSN are down for maintenance.
The common stereotype of small children playing CoD is now also a complete fallacy consdiering many of the 8 year old squeakers now play Destiny and pollute [quote][/quote]the servers there.
CoD also has zombies which is just as fun if not more than any raid or prison of elders made by the guy who made me throw money at my screen.
CoD also has a brilliant and engaging story unlike Destiny. And it doesn't overprice it's DLC (which is entirely optional and not mandatory like Destiny). And CoD doesn't make me want to throw money at my screen. And DeeJ is a pegboy.
An empty can of tuna, is better then Destiny. On another note, played a quick match on blops3, last nite. Not much different from advanced warfare. Movement is a cross between aw and titanfall(double jump, wall running).idk if zombies will save it. No hate pls. I own aw, and preordered blips3. I will enjoy playing both, but not a whole lot of difference. Small tight maps, hit detection, leaves a lot to be desired.
Opinions. All of this is opinion. Stupid post
I'm just not sure why people can't be happy that there's more than one fun shooter to play.
One cancer to another
Saying CoD is better than destiny isn't exactly saying much.
There is way more in destiny than cod open worlds social areas when was the last time you could go where ever you wanted to do whatever in a fps
Looking through the comments on here and all I can say is hypocrites. Funny how they bash the CoD community but here they are talking so much shit that you'd think they are 12 year old pirates. Too much hate and not enough acceptance.
Edited by McGavocks: 11/10/2017 6:37:39 PM
Thought it was a fair argument until you said Deej was a pegboy. That threw off the whole thing for me and made me realize you're a desticle.
COD is realistic? Almost a simulation? Lol
Simulating gunplay? There is barely any recoil in the weapons. Add on the perks and attachments.
A lot of games or better then destiny.... Just close your eyes and picked a game out at random..... Guaranteed better then destiny
I like Call of Duty, but Advanced Warfare had the worst weapon balance I've ever seen in a game. I've never been in a lobby where less than half of the players had a Bal-37 or the ascm1, or whatever it was called
Cod suck lag more every year but this year better at hiding it then all others. Matchmaking still bad. Spawns are still bad. They need to put ghost back the way it was. Yeas it was just a beta... and yes took three yeas to not make a good beta.
Edited by THE K1LL1ONA1RE: 8/26/2015 5:46:06 PMEat shat God you ppl think destiny is repetitive
Either way I personally don't ever have fun playing any CoD that came after CoD 4
You are the most fanboy person in all of history, and almost every game is better than destiny
It is better, except for the gunplay part. If anything, destiny has superb gunplay.
You haven't seen any other game, have you? Just... I'm going to bed... Think about what you just said...
Where's my "Congrats" confetti gun?
The troll is strong with this one
"Brilliant and engaging story" hahahahahahahahahaha, man you dont play much else do you? As for the gun play, nice weapons is about all CoD has going for it, it cant even manage to balance its weapons (hey look something destiny and CoD have in common), it hasnt managed to make a well balanced game yet. CoD is nothing more then a really nice looking, and nice feeling game, it might as well just be a shooting range in the middle of a mice forest, that way you can have the nice feel of shooting its guns, along with its nice graphics. Then they just need to make a separate game that is zombies.
360 jump no scope, no, cod is pure garbage. rather play minecraft than that shit. zombies is the only thing keeping that franchise alive.
I call absolute BS on you saying halo 4 or Titanfall trying to replicate COD. Their multiplayer is far better in my opinion. COD is successful, but not exactly a great game. It's the same thing every year, at least to me. I preferred the MW series, I don't really like all the futuristic ones. In fact, if anything, CODs futuristic games are the ones copying halo and titanfall. While Destiny is a good-ish game, it's potential is MUCH higher than CODs. I don't find cod that interesting IMO, but I'm sure many still do.
Edited by ThyLordIntrovert: 8/13/2015 6:37:25 AMCoD wins because the campaign actually has a story line, also because zombies [spoiler]well, more accurately treyarch CoD is better than destiny[/spoiler]