This isn't a retarded rant, like all the other shit on this subforum but instead a valid argument so shut up if you're one of those retarded Desticles with Tourettes.
The amazing gunplay in CoD sets an ever improving bar for the shooter genre. Though difficult to replicate and often leading to failure (Titanfall, Halo 4) it provides realistic, almost simulation like immersion. Even in the worst of the series, Ghosts (still a brilliant game) I never felt like there was something fundamentally wrong or that there was a way to exploit it. In Destiny it's just everybody exploiting 2 hit kill guns like thorn and last word. It's frustrating and laggy at best.
Weapon balance in Call of Duty also is renowned for its excellency and the developers acknowledging critiscism very well. Admittedly weapon balance is never perfect upon launch (true for most games). Sledgehammer games have been very open with sharing weapon balancing plans and have done a very good job so far. With the next update I believe that there will be now no useless weapons in Advanced Warfare. A considerable feat. In Destiny if you're not using a felwinters sniper rifle and a thorn you're doing it wrong. Everything else is obsolete.
Connectivity issues in CoD are at an all time low in comparison to Destiny with its awful lag and netcode and random disconnection errors. I almost never get kicked or lag from advanced warfare and it's only when the servers or PSN are down for maintenance.
The common stereotype of small children playing CoD is now also a complete fallacy consdiering many of the 8 year old squeakers now play Destiny and pollute [quote][/quote]the servers there.
CoD also has zombies which is just as fun if not more than any raid or prison of elders made by the guy who made me throw money at my screen.
CoD also has a brilliant and engaging story unlike Destiny. And it doesn't overprice it's DLC (which is entirely optional and not mandatory like Destiny). And CoD doesn't make me want to throw money at my screen. And DeeJ is a pegboy.
trashes one activision game on its own website by comparing it to another activision game....beautiful
Edited by BlackMagicBeans: 7/12/2015 6:35:42 AMThis is a fair and well thought opinion, I disagree but I definitely can see your logic and why you enjoy that series more. I only have a couple things I would like to express about your post. Please refrain from such vulgar language as you used in your prelude. Offensive language has no place in the proper exchange of ideas. (Not offensive but calling someone a destical because they enjoy the game reflects poorly on you, not the people you are referring to because that statement lacks class). It's cool that you enjoy a game enough to share it with others in open discussion, but please respect others right to do so. This sub forum is so bad because of overly negative posts like this. The forum is what we as a community make it so if you want it to be better, share more positive and less offensive posts.
Cod has been out for over ten years though... Destiny just began the cycle last year.
Cod is horrible since black ops 2 the only good thing is zombies and advanced warfare zombies was horrible
Realistic and immersive? No I like my games to be immersive when I'm by myself so I usually play battlefield solo and cod with my mates. Also don't compare cod to halo as halo is a story driven, campaign focused game whereas cod is clearly multiplayer focused as the campaigns are shit.
I prey that this is satire for your health
Blah blah blah
You might won't to work on your opening statements. No one should have read beyond that drivel.
Aye all snipers have final round and all of those suiciders with rpgs running at your faces, oh how about quick scoping? Very realistic, oh how about randomly spawning stuff in your hands like a deathmachine or suddenly teleport inside a chopper. Dude what are you on.
CoD AW pulled from titanfall.....titanfall kicked modern fps into high gear by introducing multi level combat with enhanced maneuvering between them. The lack of content and the time between dlc is what killed titanfall. And the mean hip firing any weapon to get
[quote]This isn't a retarded rant, like all the other shit on this subforum but instead a valid argument so shut up if you're one of those retarded Desticles with Tourettes. .[/quote] Nothing you say is an argument. It's a perspective. That's it. Understand that everyone has a perspective and it is no more valid than anyone else's. Learn this and you will have a happier life.
I read your post until i saw the two words strung together "simulation like". I stopped there. You have, obviously, never fired a real gun or been shot.
Your attitude in your 1st paragraph gave me reason enough to stop reading and form a very low opinion of you. Coming out of the gate blindly slinging insults is not how you get your point across.
Edited by Swift: 7/12/2015 6:54:41 AMDie/kill way to quick in call of duty, which is Boring. Lots of game modes though.
CoD is only amazing when you're in the age between 8 and 14... And in this game you don't really need weapon balancing since all the weapons kill in 1-3 Bullets with a TTK of 0.1
Good one haha!
Uh? Titanfall has amazing gunplay. It lacks a carrot on a stick to keep grinding the same weapons over and over again.
Where do you find the time to type up all this crap?
CoD has kinda sucked since they moved out of WWII. Calling it stale would be like calling a cue ball white.
Edited by wesbot8: 7/12/2015 6:42:58 AMOP is fgt [spoiler]or troll[/spoiler]
Engaging story? I never remember all the retarded main characters. Never. Story is "shoot these foreign guys." Lol.
Cool If you feel that way go play it. No one us stopping you. I'll be playing this thank you very much