This isn't a retarded rant, like all the other shit on this subforum but instead a valid argument so shut up if you're one of those retarded Desticles with Tourettes.
The amazing gunplay in CoD sets an ever improving bar for the shooter genre. Though difficult to replicate and often leading to failure (Titanfall, Halo 4) it provides realistic, almost simulation like immersion. Even in the worst of the series, Ghosts (still a brilliant game) I never felt like there was something fundamentally wrong or that there was a way to exploit it. In Destiny it's just everybody exploiting 2 hit kill guns like thorn and last word. It's frustrating and laggy at best.
Weapon balance in Call of Duty also is renowned for its excellency and the developers acknowledging critiscism very well. Admittedly weapon balance is never perfect upon launch (true for most games). Sledgehammer games have been very open with sharing weapon balancing plans and have done a very good job so far. With the next update I believe that there will be now no useless weapons in Advanced Warfare. A considerable feat. In Destiny if you're not using a felwinters sniper rifle and a thorn you're doing it wrong. Everything else is obsolete.
Connectivity issues in CoD are at an all time low in comparison to Destiny with its awful lag and netcode and random disconnection errors. I almost never get kicked or lag from advanced warfare and it's only when the servers or PSN are down for maintenance.
The common stereotype of small children playing CoD is now also a complete fallacy consdiering many of the 8 year old squeakers now play Destiny and pollute [quote][/quote]the servers there.
CoD also has zombies which is just as fun if not more than any raid or prison of elders made by the guy who made me throw money at my screen.
CoD also has a brilliant and engaging story unlike Destiny. And it doesn't overprice it's DLC (which is entirely optional and not mandatory like Destiny). And CoD doesn't make me want to throw money at my screen. And DeeJ is a pegboy.
all you talked about was pvp?? So basically all you are again is cod is better than HALF of destiny. You totally forgot about strikes. Raids. PoE and anything else pve related
I feel that way this game is going, and the constant cries to nerf every gun besides snipers, this game is becoming a CoD clone, a bad one.
Those are some pretty valid point-*bursts out laughing* , I'm sorry, just, "immersive gameplay?" *continues laughing* Ghosts, brilliant? *laughs repeatedly* Sorry, it's just *resumes laughing* [spoiler]Plz be sarcastic[/spoiler]
COD and Destiny both come from Activision, so you can't say that Destiny's DLC is overpriced because they decide the price.
Infinity Ward are trash after MW2. SHG = New guys who still have potential. Treyarch > Bungie + the above. Treyarch are the only developers keeping CoD alive, watch in 2016 with IW bullshit CoD like Ghosts and MW3. I disagree with your entire post. CoDs MP community is full of ignorant retarded adults every time I play. CoD Zombies Community is much better than the Destiny and CoD MP combined.
*Claims that cod is better than destiny* *Has a halo reach profile picture* The plot thickens.
The best thing about cod was zombies, treyarch specifically
"Amazing gunplay"
Mute and move on everyone.
Did you just say there aren't gun exploits in CoD? Lol
Hahaha loled hard at the title, did not read the rest because i was realy happy with the joke. Nothing will be better and more balanced than quake 3 or halo 3
Edited by xK1ngJ: 7/12/2015 6:52:46 PMCan you be more specific please.You say CoD is better than Destiny.But majority of your post is talking about the PvP content of it.And thats only half compared to PvE content such as raids,strikes and more..So technically your entire point is invalid because of that one mistake.(CoD is better than Destiny PvP)
Cod realistic bahahahaha
As soon as I saw him say "Ghosts is still a brilliant game" I stopped reading this rubbish.
Cod is a fundamentally different game. Destiny was designed with pvp in mind, but weapons would naturally be one or 2 shots for a fast paced combat due to its looter shooter rpg nature. Cod on the other hand is all about pvp with balance, and realistic weapons whereas destiny has crazy stuff like hawkmoon and gjallahorn. It's a matter of opinion.
Been playin COD since MW1 and I agree with most of this. I still play Destiny pvp though.
Did you just say CoD has good weapon balance? Lmao.
Cod ttk is to high
Edited by DoomShroom4: 7/12/2015 6:35:36 PMWhile CoD does posses the ability to create weapon balancing, The community around CoD is absolutely toxic and un-relentless (not to say that Destiny's community isn't either, just less dangerous). Pretty much every CoD made has been the same thing with new guns, abilities, and maybe one other "super" thing that makes It seem "different". Not to mention that most of the DLC maps are just re-skins of old favorite maps (nuketown, firing range, uplink, etc.). While I do play CoD for the zombie mode only (Because it's the only part of the series that seems to have any kind of variation), I find CoD unappetizing and bland. And don't forget most, if not some of those 8 year old squeakers are going to shift over to CoD (good luck with them!). I'll be sitting over here wearing Oryx's ass like a hat.
I agree with you wholeheartedly, CoD games are much better shooters than destiny, but the thing is, destiny is rated teen. All CoD games are for mature. Not saying everyone follows these rules, but if they do, destiny would be better for younger audiences, because of minimal swearing, and a whole lot less blood.
Lmao the time to kill is rediculouse fast Cod imo is lame as hell copy past of the last 5 games
COD is just crucible tbh. While destiny has a lot of other things to do besides crucible
Then go back fanboy