This isn't a retarded rant, like all the other shit on this subforum but instead a valid argument so shut up if you're one of those retarded Desticles with Tourettes.
The amazing gunplay in CoD sets an ever improving bar for the shooter genre. Though difficult to replicate and often leading to failure (Titanfall, Halo 4) it provides realistic, almost simulation like immersion. Even in the worst of the series, Ghosts (still a brilliant game) I never felt like there was something fundamentally wrong or that there was a way to exploit it. In Destiny it's just everybody exploiting 2 hit kill guns like thorn and last word. It's frustrating and laggy at best.
Weapon balance in Call of Duty also is renowned for its excellency and the developers acknowledging critiscism very well. Admittedly weapon balance is never perfect upon launch (true for most games). Sledgehammer games have been very open with sharing weapon balancing plans and have done a very good job so far. With the next update I believe that there will be now no useless weapons in Advanced Warfare. A considerable feat. In Destiny if you're not using a felwinters sniper rifle and a thorn you're doing it wrong. Everything else is obsolete.
Connectivity issues in CoD are at an all time low in comparison to Destiny with its awful lag and netcode and random disconnection errors. I almost never get kicked or lag from advanced warfare and it's only when the servers or PSN are down for maintenance.
The common stereotype of small children playing CoD is now also a complete fallacy consdiering many of the 8 year old squeakers now play Destiny and pollute [quote][/quote]the servers there.
CoD also has zombies which is just as fun if not more than any raid or prison of elders made by the guy who made me throw money at my screen.
CoD also has a brilliant and engaging story unlike Destiny. And it doesn't overprice it's DLC (which is entirely optional and not mandatory like Destiny). And CoD doesn't make me want to throw money at my screen. And DeeJ is a pegboy.
Then go back fanboy
This made me laugh
CoD sucks. Get over it.
Ok, both titanfall and destiny have better gunplay because there not some: who shot first games. The reason CoD is somewhat balanced is because every game since CoD MW is on the same engine, so they had time to flesh it out. Connectivity in CoD is bad because its still runs on the same sever as five years ago while others like destiny run on dedicated servers. And CoD story is very mediocre compared other games, its no secret why most only play the multiplayer.
Guys read the tags this dude is a troll.
Lol almost everything you said was false. [This is talking about CoD, not comparing it to Destiny] CoD has almost no TTK, with almost every gun clocking in at a .2 TTK. Weapon balancing? Is that why everybody uses the same guns? Also, you might as well stick a grip on a heavy machine gun because it makes it an assault rifle with no kick and high damage. CoD is trash. Difficult to replicate? Ummm. CoD is probably the simplest game ever, and that's why it attracts such a broad range of players. They're still using the Quake engine from the 90s...nobody broke a sweat in that area. It's not difficult to replicate, it's just that games that try to fail due to it being so similar to CoD, why should all of the idiots take a rehashed version when they can have the original? Connectivity issues? There's been about a .5 second lag time between what you see and what everybody else sees since BO1. This is due to a problem in their net code but because they sell so many games for just pennies on the dollar, they have no need to actually fix it. That's laziness. If they really cared about their fanbase, they would update to a new engine, actually put in real dedicated servers(not the hybrid bullshit they use now), overhaul their game to make it enjoyable, and increase the skill gap between players. Even the best players in the game get killed a lot because even the worst players in the game can equip overpowered weapons to close the skill gap. Yet another major issue in cod that's been happening since about MW3. CoD sells simply because it is the same gear year after year, with a few new skins and mechanics that don't really change the core function of the game. Games that take skill won't sell as much because the bad players won't be able to kill as many people, so they won't feel like a badass, discouraging them from ever getting better at any other game.
I think you meant to say, "I am turd. Please mute me."
There both still good games in my opinion.
Cod isn't my favorite game. The gunplay for pve I. Destiny is awesome. Imho by the time the new call of duty comes out, within a few weeks we will have fallout and Star Wars battlefront. Arguably 2 better games.
This is a retarded rant.
Hahahahahahahahahaahahaha Hahhaaahahahahahahahahaahahhahah Hahahahaahhahahahahhahahahahahahaha New CoD expansion - added an extra cloud in the sky - added two new helmets - pre order and get an additional weapon
Wouldn't know. Haven't played a COD game since MW2 and still thought that COD4 was better.
For people without half a brain, this is bait. Lol
Cod is all about who see who first. Time to kill is way to fast
Call of ASM1: Bal of Duty [spoiler]Just kidding.[/spoiler] [spoiler]Am I? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡ °)[/spoiler] [spoiler]I don't know.[/spoiler]
Cod died years and yeArs ago
I understand your point, and balance is good, but I just find cod stail at best, the gameplay feels bad, but that's just me
Both as bad as each other. Both have activision involved.
Edited by Lewie730: 7/12/2015 5:38:21 PMI hate COD. If by "weapon balance" you mean every gun feels pretty much the same then, no thanks. Battlefield's gun play is much better than COD.
bad b8 m8 i r8 0/8
8/8 b8 m8
CoD is just easier to maintain and create, where Destiny is an ever-expanding world/universe. The 2 cannot be compared and if you do compare them its just because you are a fanboy for one or the other. Bottom line is Halo 1-3 are the epitome of the FPS
Not gonna lie I liked mw2 and Bo2. The rest just kinda mehh. But prefer destiny any day.
In all honesty your right... I usually don't agree with people on these forums. Weapons story connections... That's all fine Destiny is by far the worst version of itself and mostly because Bungie listens to the community waaaay to much. If you remember early in the game this was a grind fest. Materials weapons armor... Forever 29's out there. They made this game so easy you barely have to play anymore