Won 31, lost 19..
It's a very underrated gun for sure! It can be very good in the right hands. High aim assist has it too.
And I'm 99% sure that i found out the hidden perk on this one. It has to be High Caliber Rounds. Other players seem to have really hard to hit me! And the gun i had most problem to beat in a 1v1 battle was Red Death. The unflinching perk was probably a very good counter.
Necrochasm does 14 to the head (with aggressive balistics). And 11 to the body. And with that rate of fire it's a good damage output!
I'm still not 100% sure about how much damage the Cursebringer explosions does. But atleast 150. I've gotten a few kills with it!
If you got it, and like autorifles in the crucible, i would recommend you to try it out! I've beaten so many TLWs and Thorns today with it! (There's atleast 2+ in every damn rumble game).
Btw, with the low impact, this gun was barely touched by the nerf!
its like the monta carlo so many haters on the gun but i think its a great gun, my favorite gun to use