It was so annoying. First game he was on my team. We go for heavy ammo, pick it up but can't. Then we all die to a rocket launcher, but he doesn't. Instead he teleports away with the heavy ammo. The reason we couldn't pick it up was because he picked it up but the lag meant it wasn't picked up. Next game, he is against me, and teleports around, runs into walls and then through them, and comes first on his team. He was level 15 and he had grimoire of over 3000. He cheated the trials with the lagswitch, and then lagswitched normal control to level up. If you don't believe me, check my recent games, and on the rusted lands control game that was 10+ hours ago, he comes first on the opposing team with a positive K/D. Then check last game, last on our team with a terrible K/D. He was level 15 17 hours ago, now he's 34.
The cheaters are coming into the normal crucible, not the special modes now. Please ban him. There he is.
Having a terrible connection does not mean they are cheating. When you suspect someone of cheating just use the report player option in game. If you don't hit the report button Bungie won't know who to investigate. With a Grimoire score that high it means it's a player that has been around for a long time and they're just leveling up a new character on their account. They had the armor for the character ready to go once they hit level 20. It's very possible to level up to level 20 in just a few hours of play, so there's nothing funny going on there.