Despite its flaws, I -blam!-ing love Destiny. The shooting mechanics are crisp and the crucible gameplay is intense and fun when the servers are running smooth. Yeah there's a few things they could easily fix, but I think far too many of you look into the negative and don't appreciate Destiny for what it has. Yes, dlc content size in the pve aspect is questionable, but how many hours did you put into playing that expansions content? Yes, the weapons could use some serious rebalancing. Yes, the loot system needs to be a lot less troll and a bit more giving to some guardians, but when you finally get something useful or what you were looking for, its extremely gratifying. And once again, the shooting mechanics on this game are -blam!-ing [i]great[/i].
But the aspect of real fun is playing this game with friends, whether its in the crucible or in raids/PoE, and I think a lot of you are too quick to jump Bungie over matchmaking. There is a such thing as an LFG (looking for group) system, and there are many between the fourms and sites like Destinytracker and reddit. Find and make friends and be social if you're a loner, [i]that's what these fourms and Destiny LFG pages are for, and thats the core element to the fun in this game[/i].
Now since I love the shooting mechanics, and I enjoy the multiplayer aspect from competitive to the cooperative, [i]I'll continue to support a company and a game that I enjoy playing, that I can and will put many hours into, even on the smaller expansions[/i].
This is Bungie's first attempt at a hybrid FPSMMORPG, and they did a pretty good job for their first attempt just nearing its 2nd year of 10 in its development cycle.
And come on guys, lay off Deej. Whether he's completed a raid/PoE on hard or not on his personal xbl/psn account, he's probably spent his fair share of time playing in the test labs with the dev team. He has to eat, breath, live, and shit Destiny to the public. He's their public face, and the aggressions are pretty misguided. We need to start detoxifying our community just a little bit.
I think The Taken King is going to be yet another expansion I can sink hours into, making it worth the money. So far what they've shown at E3 onstage and at their booth..., The Taken King looks pretty awesome and that was a very small glimpse of what they still have up their sleeves to reveal. The new 'Rift' mode looks [i]fantastic[/i].
I threw my money at the screen, pre-ordered the CE before it sold out. I'm glad I did it and have 0 -blam!-s or regrets. My friends have as well. I'm even considering acquiring one of those sweet ass new PS4's they're releasing. (It looks great if you haven't seen it)
Remember that its just a game, don't let what's supposed to entertain you start to frustrate you. If you don't like it, [i]then don't play, buy, support, or sit on the fourms bitching about it[/i], go play a different game. There's many other triple-a titles releasing very soon.
I love Destiny, and whether you choose to admit it or not, you're still coming to the fourms ;)
[spoiler]let the salt rain[/spoiler]
[b]tl;dr[/b] - your reply is unworthy
I like it too a lot The English is perfect