Recently started using fusion rifles in PvP. Still getting the timing down with my re-rolled Final Rest, but those kills are -blam!-ing [b]satisfying[/b], right?? Think I'll roll up a Frenzy, next.
Just looking to hear what you think makes a good FR. Stability? Range? Is it all about that charge rate?
Any tips on upping my lethality(that's a word, probably...) are always welcome.
Thanks for the input.
Split Shifter Pro is probably your best PvP fusion rifle because with an already fast charge rate, you can use your other perks for stability and range. Good perks: anything that increases stability and range. Stability>Range. With maxed stability, the damage drop off is negated by the fact you're hitting them with the entire burst. Range is a close second though. Hidden Hand has proven to be quite good, especially with max stability. Accelerated coils if you have a slow charging fusion rifle.