How did you get your Vex Mythoclast?
Edit 1: LOL all of these are great guys keep them coming
Edit 2: BTW I got mine from an engram
Edit 3: who is Atheon? From TTK???
Edit 40000: we broke the 200 reply barrier more then any post ever made by me thank you!
[spoiler]total satire just want some laughs and silly comments[/spoiler]
Throw my money on the screen and screen throw Mythoclast for me
exotic engram drop from randal the vandal
I got mine from an exotic engram that dropped when I got smashed by a falling warsat public event. I survived and the engram dropped.
I accidentally my Vex Mythoclast.
I got mine as an apology after getting by a warsat...
I rubbed the Xur Magic lamp that's shaped like a dildo and with activisions logo and said "rub a dub dub thee with no class give me the vex mythoclast" and boom it was there P.S in order to get the lamp I had to throw money at the screen
Got mine teamkilling a squadmate with my sparrow when they had a 9000xp without dying bounty
Threw enough money at the screen it just appeared
Crucible, went an impressive 0-35 and BOOM I get a Vex!
My god this is great to read
I got mine from a crucible match after I slayed a man who tried to gun me down with it. I removed it from his cold dead fingers, reloaded it, and proceeded to destroy every being in my path to victory. It was a sweet, bloody, disintegration ash filled victory on the fields of Twilight gap that fateful morn. Never had I acquired a gun so absolutely powerful before that moment, and ever since I haven't forgotten the man who gave me this opportunity. The man from whose fingers I tore this beauty of an annihilator.
I do not remember i think it was MITHER -blam!-IN VOG HARD i think yea it was . The next thing comes to min wait cant you only get the Vex Mythoclast from VOG HARD yea thats right to . Man you all are liars.
I thought it would mention legit or push him off.
The vanguard sent me on a quest to get one by trading in 5 felwinters snipers, and 1 thorn, then I needed the khvostov and an ass of atheon, giving me a vex brain, then I bought components from xur and killed Petra venge and also eris morn on a ftwc battle arena, giving me the mythoclast, then I had to watch porn for 9 hours straight with no boner.
I got mine from Randal the vandal, it was a bloody fight, but got there in the end.
I got my Vex by really wanting the Helmet. #Forever29
Solid b8
I got my vex by -blam!-ing her right in the pussy
Vanguard Eagle strikes
Skolas!!! It has void burn though :(
Guys chill out he put #satire
Special orders lady just gave it too me, day one.
I was teabagging the titan on the Moon and it triggered a patrol mission from Ikora ray. I had to collect 20 redbull codes and 20 blacksmith shaders from the forums without anyone saying 'scrub' 'noob' 'git gud' 'casual' or mentioning k/d in the thread comments. Hardest quest I've ever done.
Definatley got it from the loot cave.
Mine dropped for me at the gun smith
Mine dropped after doing the shattered memory fragment bounty