you shoudl be glad i didnt shot yer coruch out... well that woudl have been cruel..... *slams the non shaperend side of the katana on yer bollecks*
[i]What is wrong with you. Oh, hey, look, the police.[/i] [b]You are being shot at by the police, and Nightslash deploys a shield. [/b]
*he cloaks with th ebulelt richocheting of him* Refractive armor arshores! *dive udner ths hields and grabs you* wha the hell did you do?> *
[i]Shut off the power in half the city, and stole about 500000 credits, and all the citizens' info.[/i]
.......*peeks out of the shield* ok. I GET oyu out of here and i get half of those credits... deal? *he is pointin his SMG to your crotch*
[i]Ok, here's my card too.[/i]
alright....... *claoks and vanishes as some COps are hear dscraming and the wnd been slashed*
[b]Brady whispers.[/b] [i]So. How has your day been?[/i]
*a cop wilhelm screams as he is thrown over the shield* YO!! *Is standign surroudned by death cops* alrght now the credits?
[i]Here.[/i] [b]Brady hands you a card with credits on it.[/b]
good. *grabs ht ecard and walks ff to find a new place to rest*
[b]Brady walks back home.[/b]