My favorite exotic is bad juju I love it and don't understand why others consider it kind of meh, but they do so this is my answer.
No burn for PvE. Red Death is better in PvP
I win with bad juju in 9/10 1on1 situations
That doesn't mean it's a better gun. I hate when people say stuff like that. Eg. "I went flawless with a Auto Rifle so they don't need a buff" Just because you do good with something doesn't mean it's the best. There's multiple factors that go into it. You could be good, the other team could be bad, connection, map etc.
Bad juju is a weapon that you have to learn to play. At the beginning I think bad juju is bad, then I play a little longer with it and now I love this weapon
I feel like Bad Juju is a very situational weapon. Great for running strikes and killing tier 1 enemies without shields. Fully utilizing String of Curses is by fighting loads of thrall, dregs, or goblins. Doesn't have the impact to take down bosses.