Last time I checked, NLB doesn't suck donkey balls. I think plan c, invective, SGA, patience and time, hard light, Suros are all worse.
Invective has a strong range, regenerating ammo, high ROF, and final round. In PVE this is the God of shot guns for titans with helm of saint-14. Honestly the invective is evidently a stronger choice for PVE and for people in pvp who lack the skills to master the NLB.
Are you kidding? All those are good. Besides the Autos obviously, but they'll have to be buffed. Also you didn't even mention nechrochasm.
No, I'm not kidding. I did say "I think". It's my opinion on what I find better
SGA, Suros and hardlight, yes. The rest no, they are all still great weapons.
"I think". It's my opinion, so I'll think about them what I'd like
No one else is entitled to an opinion either?
You're telling me your opinion like mine doesn't matter.
Your an ass h o l e