Guillermo Del Toro, the most bad ass movie director of all time (Hellboy 1 and 2, Pans Lambrynth, producer of Rise of the Guardians, Pacific Rim) has finally surfaced some news about the new Pacific Rim 2! Its gonna start filming in November
Holy blam robots Batman!
It's gonna start filming in November!
Signed if you are a fan of giant robots kicking monster asses! And tell us what your favourite Jaeger (robot terminology in Pacific Rim) was.
Mine has to be Tacit Ronin that appeared in the first sequence of the movie, and Striker Eureka cause she looked like a true anime robot design.
Tell us your favourite robot and favourite action sequence was (Mine had to be the city sequence, Gypsy Danger fighting that flying Kaiju).
George Miller Cohen Brothers Bryan Singer Joss Whedon better directors just to name a few.... hell even zack Snyder pulled a rabbit out of his ass