Hey what's up guys. I made a new twitch account n I'm new to streaming.
I streamed me n my team Friday went flawless 4 times (not to brag) didn't really get viewers. I know a lot already do this have a big following but I was wondering anyone got any tips?
Any suggestions? For a new streamer?
My twitch is ken_r0c if u can follow it'd help SO MUCH. THANKS
I'm mainly on from like 5-6pm ish till like 1-2 am eastern time
My stream is live now! I do PoE,raids,trials, everything basically lol. PLZ check it out n follow if u enjoy! Thanks!
Most important thing: do it for FUN. If you focus too much on wanting the fame and the money, you will eventually be a dick. Please stream for fun. Another important fact: be consistent. Make a schedule or let your followers know when you go live. If you can't go live because of private reasons, just announce it on Twitter. Twitter is very important for streaming, because you can announce your streams and communicate with your followers.