I just saw the gamespot video and i kind of agree with this, i never played WoW but i have logged over 500 hours of Destiny. I dont have everything but i have all the essentials so i only play ToO now. Dont get me wrong, i love this game as a FPS but i really never liked RNGesus. Since there isnt much of a story to keep playing like Halo im all pooped out and only want to play pvp every once in a while.
For all the noobs out there, you will get gassed out sometime before the next DLC. You will, however, keep playing as it takes much more time to come to terms with this reality. Ive seen many good friends come and go. Even the ones that initially got me hooked, ive tried to get them back for pvp or a raid like old times but ive had to find new buds to go flawless with and do quick raid runs.
Lets see how many actually have come to realize that Destiny is like going to an out of this world casino.
Comment if you have a different view or just want to reminisce on how much worse RNG was before TDB.
Hit that like button so the masses get to
Edit#1: so i got called a hipster, that was exciting. We are at 70% yes for now, keeps going up. Look i enjoy pvp, i guess the slot machine comparison is only for people who really want a certain gun. The only ones i still dont have are fourth horseman and the foil. At this point, im not grinding strikes and raids weekly to try and maximize the likelihood of me getting these guns. Ill get them whenever the hell that this.
[spoiler]i remember the forever 29 struggle, pushing templar and atheon over the edge for shits and gigs, still got my jackolytes![/spoiler]
I don't do it for the gear, I already have all this shit I could ever want and more on this game I just love playing 3v3 game modes in crucible!