I saw a post the other day and thought I would make a poll on the more popular ones and a couple of my own. Would've put more but it only let me put 7 options. If you guys have any other good ones pleas put them down. Damn. I forgot to put Morgan Freeman. Bump for Morgan Freeman.
Here is a link to a better poll based on these results
Edit: Quit telling me I forgot Morgan Freeman! I know god damn it and I'm sorry! [b][u]I WAS -blam!-ING HIGH!!![/u][/b]
Edit 2: Wow! 1000 replies?! I never thought this would be so popular. Although half of them were Morgan Freeman votes.
Top picks:
Morgan freeman
Snoop dogg
Benedict Cumberbatch
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sterling Archer
James Earl Jones
Peter Dinklage
Ben Kingsley
David Attenborough
The joker (any one)
Gilbert Gottfried
Shia Lebeouf
Kate Beckinsale
Sean Connery
Scarlett Johansson
Seth McFarlane
Kevin Hart
Liam Neeson
Betty White
Pee Wee Herman
Herb the Perv
Harrison Ford
Stephen Colbert
Jon Stewart
William Shatner
Neil Patrick Harris
Donald Trump
Jim Carrey
Gary Busey
Bender the Robot
Bruce Dickinson
Optimus prime.
Clint Eastwood
Edited by Bro'sef Stalin: 8/15/2015 8:42:19 PMVegeta Edit: The Team Fourstar version.
George Takei!!!!!
Nolan north
Dr. Zachary Smith from "Lost in Space", the Cowardly Lion, Fred G. Sanford, Paul Mooney,Gary Oldman (as Dracula ).
Patrick Stewart
Nicolas Cage.
If it was kate beckinsale me and my ghost would need alone time.
HATSUNE MIKU, or Johnny Yong Bosch
Myself, he's my guardian. So like me he needs to sound like liquid sex that overloads your temporal lobes and makes panties drop. And by that, I mean a pre-pubescent lipsy neckbeard who's grating voice shrivels genitalia faster than you can say "I don't have time to explain."
I -blam!-ing cell, from the mutha-blam!- in prison of elders. (Samuel L. Jackson)
Alciel (Devils a part-timer) xD Blair (Soul eater) And Death (Soul eater) maybe Ragnorok (Soul Eater) I think Crona (Soul eater) would be funny xD
Tom hardy as mad max
Will ferrel
Tom hanks
Peter Griffin would be ace.
Will Stamper
So glad Sam L made that poll. And who the -blam!- put Shia LeDouche on there! Morons, I for one don't want someone yelling at me the entire time "Do it! Just do it!" Idiot can't even come up with his own slogan. Plus, the bitch wears girls pink yoga pants....that ladies and gents is what tripping on bath salts is about.
The announcer from halo
Morgan Freeman no doubt