I saw a post the other day and thought I would make a poll on the more popular ones and a couple of my own. Would've put more but it only let me put 7 options. If you guys have any other good ones pleas put them down. Damn. I forgot to put Morgan Freeman. Bump for Morgan Freeman.
Here is a link to a better poll based on these results
Edit: Quit telling me I forgot Morgan Freeman! I know god damn it and I'm sorry! [b][u]I WAS -blam!-ING HIGH!!![/u][/b]
Edit 2: Wow! 1000 replies?! I never thought this would be so popular. Although half of them were Morgan Freeman votes.
Top picks:
Morgan freeman
Snoop dogg
Benedict Cumberbatch
Arnold Schwarzenegger
Sterling Archer
James Earl Jones
Peter Dinklage
Ben Kingsley
David Attenborough
The joker (any one)
Gilbert Gottfried
Shia Lebeouf
Kate Beckinsale
Sean Connery
Scarlett Johansson
Seth McFarlane
Kevin Hart
Liam Neeson
Betty White
Pee Wee Herman
Herb the Perv
Harrison Ford
Stephen Colbert
Jon Stewart
William Shatner
Neil Patrick Harris
Donald Trump
Jim Carrey
Morgan freeman
Peter dinklage that guys voice is awesome
Jack black
Lee ermey or James earl jones
Stephen Merchant [spoiler]AKA, Wheatley[/spoiler]
James Earl Jones
Gordon Freeman's voice actor would be good
John h. Benjamin
Tracy Morgan. Anything he says is hilarious.
David Hayter. I want him to go all solid snake and contemplatively tell me about the evil of war and the falsity of patriotism as I blast fallen on the moon.
Randy Blythe
Will Ferrell. Ghost: "The one animated character that you would bang the shit out of?" Both: "The Queen." Me: "Did we just become best friends?" Ghost: "Yup!"
Tom Wlaschiha. Plays Jaqen H'ghar on Game of Thrones
J.K Simmons
Probably Tom Wlaschiha, who plays Jaqen H'ghar, The Many Faced God in Game of Thrones. Having him as my ghost would make me feel like it is okay to kill things lol.
I dont have a ghost
Definitely Guy Fieri
Why not Sylvester Stallone?
No one but Peter Dinklage
-Mark Hamil's Joker: Ghost: Oh!!! Look at that :D We've woken up the hive!!! Oh doesn't this look like a party!!! (Insert joker laugh) *Guardian face palms and is eaten by thrall while Ghost laughs maniacally* Or -Kevin Conoroy's Batman: Ghost: its the hive...what have they done to this guardian...his light is gone...let's go in there and feed them rocket propelled JUSTICE!!! *Guardian pulls out Gallerhorn* Ghost: Let's do this
Seth MacFarlane in stewies voice
Seth Macfarlane.
I'll voice my own ghost. Makes sense to me. I'm sure I don't need to explain.
Bill Cosby or Barak Obama
Morgan Freeman
Gilbert Godfrey