Keep watching Fox News and that 86% lie rate.. I'm sure it helps our country a lot
Keep bending over and get -blam!-ed up the ass by Obama.
How is Obama a terrible President? I just want a few reasons and none of that bullshit like saying affordable health care is a bad thing.
Benghazi, giving amnesty to illegals, saying to people that started their own businesses "You didn't make that." Openly saying he will go around congress if they don't pass his bill. Reducing the size of our military by nearly half and not increasing their pay (yet fast food workers can get payed $15 an hour while people give their lives to defend us and don't get anywhere near that)
You exaggerated more than half of that. Why don't you talk with facts instead of out of your ass. People that choose to give their lives know what they're signing up for if they want to get paid more they can just sign up for a PMC. Congress is Republican controlled I wonder why none of his bills get passed. Telling someone who own a business you dont own that. Where the -blam!- did you get that from?
I'll go give you links. It was from one of his speeches for his 2012 election campaign
Link better not be Fox News.... link please
Edit: Sounds to me that you're being a whiny little bitch but hey what do I know. Most of those illegals he gave amnesty to are probably more hardworking then a lot of Americans.