Well I'm bored.
So I'm making a photo contest. Not sure what this will give me. But through all the gifs and Lenny I'm sure there will be a few contenders.
Here are the rules
1.photos must be ones that you have taken yourself. It's mostly the honor system here. And if you chose some famous photo then others will probably notice.
2. Photos, not selfies, this is not a selfie contest ( God knows we have enough of those threads already ) post relevant photos that are pleasurable to look at.
Note:photos may contain people
3. Before posting your photo put a watermark in one of the corners. With your B.net name.
4.when your photo has been taken and watermarked post it here. I will do my best to keep track of the real contestants and keep their names in my notes.
5. All photos must be in by August 13th. I have a reminder set for that day to go through this. Polls will be held on August 17th
6. Obviously no bannable photos may enter in the contest.
Bump to let other potential contestants know about this.
Potential genres
Sports, nature, people, travel... Plenty of options.
If you have any suggestions on how to improve this let me know
Bump before I slumber