originally posted in:Xbox Raiding Crew
All 331 HoW weapons. Maxed out armor and abilities. 32 Hunter. Anyone want to run one tonight?
If you have trouble finding s group, add me up and invite me anytime. Gt same as name.
I don't use exotics in raids. There are loads of great legendaries you can use. raid weapons>exotics
Move this to recruitment with the title reading: Raid-Console*
Use lfg
For VoG, try to keep a void shotgun for the minotaurs. Oracles die faster if you hit then as soon as they spawn. I use a heavy mg.
Post on r Fireteams or Ina NY other lfg site. Also be honest about how you've never done it. As long as you communicate people should be easy going. The only time it gets rough is if people pretend they know what to do when they don't.
Completed my first vog at 26 with mainly blue weapons. Think I had Shadow Price as my only legendary. It was tough. At 32 even with unupgraded weapons (legendaries start at 300 now which was the max back then) you will be fine. Also, most groups have run the raids countless times now so even if you die it will likely be no biggie...
If you have HoW, running 28 PoE for the first time gets you an exotic. Guaranteed.
Absolutely not. Sometimes I'll clear one and then realize I didn't use any of my exotics. Very doable.
You prolly want 365 weapons for skolas but not required. For Crota and VoG 331 is fine and you don't need exotics but get some. Do the invective quest if it pops up or buy something from Xur if he has something nice this week. Exotic weapons aren't a must but there are some really nice exotic armor pieces that help a lot.
If it's VoG you'll be fine. We were doing that with blues and maybe one legendary piece of armor or gun on you. If it's crota you should at least have a rocket with tracking and a helmet with health on orb pick up. That or have a suros or red death since thise are the only two guns that can heal you. Other then that you can get through crota with legendarys.
You don't need exotics at all. Most of us playing since release completed VoG at lvl 27-28 without a single exotic weapon. Just make sure to have upgraded legendary weapons that you're comfortable with and try to listen to more experienced team mates during the raid.
What console you on? And no need for exotics
Edited by CharlieChanga: 7/16/2015 3:00:26 PMI'd be happy to help you out what console are you on. (I'll get some of my friends together and we will make it work) GT:xV3N0MxFaTiGue send me a message or something.
Wut console
No gjallarhorn no invite sorry
You'll be fine, everyone asks for gally 365, it's all about mechanics and knowing what to do, the weapons and gear will make it easier
Listen to vets...run normal first as hard mode has no revives...what system
Not at all. Just do what you are told and learn.
You lie, your 29 character has suros.
Ill be on later if you want we can do crota hard
If u still want to do another raid I am down for tonight
Xbox one or 360?
Add me, I'll be on later tonight. Gt is same as above
Im down to run one tonight
This would be better under #Destiny