We have a mission : Backwards compatibility is getting closer and we need to give our favorite games our voice!
Bump the hell out of these games!
*chough* Dark Souls , Halo Reach *chough*
Thank you - =3
[spoiler]sorry for my bad english :/[/spoiler]
[spoiler]Maybe the best game that has been ever created: https://xbox.uservoice.com/forums/251647-gaming-achievements/suggestions/6206669-jet-set-radio-future-on-xbox-one-understand-the [/spoiler]
Edit 1: 60+ Comments!? Lets goo guys
Edit 2: 100 Comments. My phone is exploding lol
Edit 3: moved to #Gaming and added a new spoiler
Edit 4: 200 Comments! Bruh
Gotham City Impostors.