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Edited by Samcara Tree: 7/17/2015 7:50:26 PM

How did we become Gurdians?

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Within many games it is a popular concept to provide not only voices but character profiles; to provide a backstory for your character and their reactions to circumstances. The following will help to guide the player to find how their character died and how it will effect their future reactions. Imagine your character has lost their memory of the event and now has a desire to find the answer to that question, but it prove to bring more questions to light that may not have answers in themselves. 1- [u][b]WHO[/b] are you?[/u] - [i]what is your name?[/i] 2- [u][b]WHAT[/b] are you?[/u] - [i]are you human, Awoken, or Exo and what gender are you?[/i] 3- [u][b]WHERE[/b] are you from?[/u] - [i]Human[/i][spoiler][b]EARTH[/b] : Frontier, City, or Refugee?[/spoiler], [i]Awoken[/i][spoiler][b]EARTH[/b] : Frontier? [b]REEF[/b] Defector or Loyalist?[/spoiler], or [i]Exo[/i]?[spoiler]EARTH : City? REEF : Loyalist? FLEET : Loyalist?[/spoiler] 4- [u][b]WHY[/b] are you at the Cosmodrome?[/u] - [i]You were a[/i] ([u]Human[/u][spoiler]Survivor, Soldier, or Apprentice[/spoiler] [u]Awoken[/u][spoiler]Scavenger, Guard, or Scribe[/spoiler] [u]Exo[/u][spoiler]Salvage, Security, Analyst crewmate) in search of resources when you can underfire from the fallen.[/spoiler] 5- [u][b]HOW[/b] did you die?[/u] - [i]Did you [u]Advance[/u] the Fallen? [u]Fall back[/u] to a better position? Take [u]Cover[/u] assess the situation?[/i] [spoiler]Humans are always cut down by a Vandal, Awoken are always shot by a Sniper, and Exo's are always blown up by a grenade.[/spoiler] All of these would determine your characters basic or general mannerism, regardless of your choices the characters will treat the same, mainly for developmental simplicity, but also because none of these selected would grant preferential treatment anyway. After these are selected, you are given a choice between any of the following within the game menu to help provide better dialogue outside the cutscenes: - Strong & Silent - "[i]..........[/i]" = default; barely any dialogue. - Stoic - "[i]This looks like a Job for a Guardian![/i]" = 1920's to 1950's heroic or super hero voice. - Space Cowboy - "[i]howdy folks[/i]" - Country Accent - Steam Punk - "[i]Cheers mates[/i]" - British Accent - North Wind - "[i]In the cosmodrome, the bear eat you[/i]" = Russian Accent - Tango Down - "[i]Hola! Como estas my amigo's!? How's it goin' man?[/i]" = Hispanic Accent - Dark Humor - "[i]Haha hah hahahahaah![/i]" = Joker from batman...cause you know...reasons.... - Highlander - "[i]There' can be only' one![/i]" = Scottish Accent - City Slick - "[i]Hey! I'm walkin' here man! Common dawg it's too earlah to be doin' stuff like this[/i]" = Urban Common Accent - Sparkling Disposition - "[i]Sparkles for everyone! Except you....your shoes are barf....[/i]" = Californian Accent - Cold Frontier - "[i]Know what's bout to happen Eh?[/i]" = Canadian Accent - Tropical Topical - "[i]Jah Man...We need some heat man, we need some heat.[/i]" = Jamaican accent. - Stern Scolding - "[i]I'm not Impressed...[/i]" = Older, wiser, and more experienced. With this concept also comes exclusive phrases for the use and acquirement of gear and the use of said gear the environment; you pick up a engram, push a button, switch weapons, use an emote, or just stand and do nothing for awhile and your character speaks. Certain exotic gear would also have unique dialogue, related to their name or the intent of use; ATS/8 Arachnid = "And along came a spider...", Thorn = "You have been a thorn in my side far too long", Super Good Advice = "Want some super good advice? Stay down...", etc.

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  • Edited by Samcara Tree: 7/15/2015 4:42:10 AM
    To give people an Idea of how this works: 1. [b]WHO[/b] : Max Steinhauer 2. [b]WHAT[/b] : Awoken, Female 3. [b]WHERE[/b] : Frontier, Earth 4. [b]WHY[/b] : I was Scavenger, in search of resources. 5. [b]HOW[/b] : Shot in the back as I fell back to a better firing position. *[b]Voice Profile[/b] : North Wind *[i]For this character I chose to be a Titan, her name comes from a German racer from a series called Quantum Redshift on the Xbox Original and PlayStation 2 I believe.[/i]

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